
A dialog is a temporary, modal overlay that can provide contextual information and/or require user confirmation or input.



Dialogs and corner dialogs consist of header, content, and footer areas (similar to panel ). When needed, custom dialogs can render custom layouts that don’t follow the structure of basic and corner dialogs.


  • Use dialogs to display transient information that needs user attention
  • Use corner dialogs sparingly — they are meant for global messages and should not stack
  • Always include a close button in the top right in corner dialogs
  • Always include a primary button in corner dialogs
  • Place primary buttons to the right of other buttons


  • Include a top right close button, except if: you can't use lightDismiss, there isn't a cancel button in the dialog’s footer, and/or it’s a corner dialog

Developer guidance

Corner dialogs

Don't use corner dialogs directly. Use the Global Messages Service instead:

this.messagesService = context.pageContext.getService<IGlobalMessagesService>("IGlobalMessagesService");
    message: "New Corner Dialog",
    title: "Dialog Title"
    buttonProps: [{ primary: true, text: "Accept" }]



ariaDescribedByInherited From: ICalloutProps
Id of another element which describes this one for screen reader users.
ariaLabelInherited From: ICalloutProps
ariaLabel allows the root element to describe the elements contents to assistive technology.
ariaLabelledByInherited From: ICalloutProps
Id of another element which labels this one for screen reader users. Defaults to this checkbox's label element.
blurDismissfalseInherited From: ICalloutProps
This will dismiss the callout once it gets and then loses focus. Callouts should dismiss when they lose focus unless they are intended to be modeless UI.
CSS className that should be applied to the top level callout element.
CSS className that should be applied to the callout's content element.
An optional className to pass to the root dialog element.
contentJustificationInherited From: ICalloutProps
Justification of the callout content within the callout. This defaults to auto layout and will take on the content size. This ONLY applies to window relative layouts, use contentLocation to use this.
contentLocationInherited From: ICalloutProps
This needs to be supplied for a window relative layout. Otherwise the anchorElement is used as the location basis.
contentSizeInherited From: ICalloutProps
If supplied there are a set of well-known fixed size callout's designed to keep things like panels and other types of information using a consistent layout. This ONLY applies to window relative layouts, use contentLocation to use this. This should be supplied when you are following a standard UI model size.
string | (() => string)
Element selector of the first focusable element. If no selector is supplied, a hidden element will be created and focus given to the CommandBarFlyout through this element.
string /** * Method that is called when the dialog is dismissed. */ onDismiss: () => void
Aria-label for the default focusable element if defaultActiveElement isn't provided.
The dialog will handle keyboard events and when the enter key is pressed the dialog will behave as if the primary key was pressed if the event hasnt had the defaultPrevented.
escDismissInherited From: ICalloutProps
The callout will handle keyboard events and when the escape key is pressed the callout will close if the the event hasnt had the defaultPrevented.
idInherited From: ICalloutProps
If the id supplied, this id will be added to the callout element as the DOM id attribute.
lightDismissInherited From: ICalloutProps
The callout element will trap mouse events and dismiss the callout when a click occurs. This will prevent the events from being handled by the underlying elements outside the callout's contents.
modalInherited From: ICalloutProps
The callout element will be given a class that is a semi-transparency that helps the user understand the user should focus on the callout and dismiss it before interacting with the underlying document.
{ spinnerLabel?: string; spinnerAriaLabel?: string; }
If set, the content of the dialog will be overlaid with a transparent div with a spinner.
Primary button props.
If true, the dialog will have a gripper in the corner that can be used to resize.
roleInherited From: ICalloutProps
role is used to define the assistive usage of this callout. The default is "dialog", but can be overriden with this property.
If true, while tabbing through dialog elements if ends up on input element than text will be selected automatically. This is a default input behavior.


ariaDescribedByInherited From: ICalloutProps
Id of another element which describes this one for screen reader users.
ariaLabelInherited From: ICalloutProps
ariaLabel allows the root element to describe the elements contents to assistive technology.
ariaLabelledByInherited From: ICalloutProps
Id of another element which labels this one for screen reader users. Defaults to this checkbox's label element.
blurDismissfalseInherited From: ICalloutProps
This will dismiss the callout once it gets and then loses focus. Callouts should dismiss when they lose focus unless they are intended to be modeless UI.
calloutClassNameInherited From: ICustomDialogProps
CSS className that should be applied to the top level callout element.
calloutContentClassNameInherited From: ICustomDialogProps
CSS className that should be applied to the callout's content element.
classNameInherited From: ICustomDialogProps
An optional className to pass to the root dialog element.
contentJustificationInherited From: ICalloutProps
Justification of the callout content within the callout. This defaults to auto layout and will take on the content size. This ONLY applies to window relative layouts, use contentLocation to use this.
contentLocationInherited From: ICalloutProps
This needs to be supplied for a window relative layout. Otherwise the anchorElement is used as the location basis.
contentSizeInherited From: ICalloutProps
If supplied there are a set of well-known fixed size callout's designed to keep things like panels and other types of information using a consistent layout. This ONLY applies to window relative layouts, use contentLocation to use this. This should be supplied when you are following a standard UI model size.
defaultActiveElementInherited From: ICustomDialogProps
string | (() => string)
Element selector of the first focusable element. If no selector is supplied, a hidden element will be created and focus given to the CommandBarFlyout through this element.
defaultFocusableElementAriaLabelInherited From: ICustomDialogProps
string /** * Method that is called when the dialog is dismissed. */ onDismiss: () => void
Aria-label for the default focusable element if defaultActiveElement isn't provided.
enterPrimaryInherited From: ICustomDialogProps
The dialog will handle keyboard events and when the enter key is pressed the dialog will behave as if the primary key was pressed if the event hasnt had the defaultPrevented.
escDismissInherited From: ICalloutProps
The callout will handle keyboard events and when the escape key is pressed the callout will close if the the event hasnt had the defaultPrevented.
An optional list of props to render as buttons in the footer.
idInherited From: ICalloutProps
If the id supplied, this id will be added to the callout element as the DOM id attribute.
lightDismissInherited From: ICalloutProps
The callout element will trap mouse events and dismiss the callout when a click occurs. This will prevent the events from being handled by the underlying elements outside the callout's contents.
modalInherited From: ICalloutProps
The callout element will be given a class that is a semi-transparency that helps the user understand the user should focus on the callout and dismiss it before interacting with the underlying document.
overlayInherited From: ICustomDialogProps
{ spinnerLabel?: string; spinnerAriaLabel?: string; }
If set, the content of the dialog will be overlaid with a transparent div with a spinner.
primaryButtonPropsInherited From: ICustomDialogProps
Primary button props.
resizableInherited From: ICustomDialogProps
If true, the dialog will have a gripper in the corner that can be used to resize.
roleInherited From: ICalloutProps
role is used to define the assistive usage of this callout. The default is "dialog", but can be overriden with this property.
selectInputTextOnFocusInherited From: ICustomDialogProps
If true, while tabbing through dialog elements if ends up on input element than text will be selected automatically. This is a default input behavior.
Shows a close button in the top right corner of the dialog. Using a cancel button in the footer or lightDismiss are preferred over this.
Properties to configure how the dialog title looks.

Loaded Dialog page