actionsInherited From: IDropdownCalloutProps<T = {}>
Actions to render in the footer of the dropdown.
activatablefalseInherited From: ITextFieldProps
Whether or not the input can be activated. Text will not be selectable and a cursor: pointer
will be used.
anchorElementInherited From: ICalloutProps
If the callout is being positioned relative to an existing element in the DOM
the relative element should be supplied as the anchorElement.
(anchorOrigin should be supplied with anchorElement)
anchorOffsetInherited From: ICalloutProps
anchorOffset is used to shift the location of the callout from the defined
location by a fixed amount. An example might be the tooltip callout defaults
to an anchorOffset of { x: 8 y: 8 } from the mouse position.
anchorOriginInherited From: ICalloutProps
When an anchorElement is supplied the anchorOrigin is used to describe the
relative location of the callout with respect to the anchorElement. A common
example here is a dropdown button aligns the callout to the bottom-right of
the button.
anchorPointInherited From: ICalloutProps
Instead of using an anchorElement to position the callout, if can be positioned
based on a fixed location. The anchorPoint defines the fixed position for the
ariaActiveDescendantInherited From: ITextFieldProps
aria-activedescendant on the input/textfield.
ariaAutoCompleteInherited From: ITextFieldProps
"none" | "list" | "inline" | "both"
aria-autocomplete on the input/textfield.
ariaControlsInherited From: ITextFieldProps
aria-controls on the input/textfield.
ariaDescribedByInherited From: IDropdownExpandableProps<T = {}>
Adds aria-describedby to the Expandable element.
ariaExpandedInherited From: ITextFieldProps
aria-expanded on the input/textfield.
ariaHasPopupInherited From: ITextFieldProps
boolean | "menu" | "listbox" | "tree" | "grid" | "dialog"
aria-hasPopup on the input/textfield.
ariaInvalidInherited From: ITextFieldProps
aria-invalid on the input/textfield.
ariaLabelInherited From: IDropdownExpandableProps<T = {}>
Adds aria-label to the Expandable element.
ariaLabelledByInherited From: IDropdownExpandableProps<T = {}>
Adds aria-labelled-by to the Expandable element.
ariaRoleDescriptionInherited From: ITextFieldProps
aria-roledescription on the input/textfield.
autoAdjustHeightfalse.Inherited From: ITextFieldProps
Adjust the textfield height as the contents change.
autoCompletefalse.Inherited From: ITextFieldProps
Should the input tag have autocomplete enabled. Ignored if multiline is set to true.
autoFocusInherited From: ITextFieldProps
autoFocus on the input/textfield.
autoSelectInherited From: IDropdownExpandableProps<T = {}>
Supply autoSelect to select all the text in the input when the textfield gets
focus. This is useful if you want the user to copy the text, or replace the text
upon typing instead of changing the current value.
blurDismissfalseInherited From: ICalloutProps
This will dismiss the callout once it gets and then loses focus. Callouts should
dismiss when they lose focus unless they are intended to be modeless UI.
calloutContentClassNameInherited From: IDropdownCalloutProps<T = {}>
ClassName to pass to the callout content. Use this to override the width.
classNameInherited From: IDropdownExpandableProps<T = {}>
ClassName to pass to the Expandable.
columnsInherited From: IListBoxSharedProps<T = {}>
Optional tree columns if showTree is passed
containerClassNameInherited From: IListBoxSharedProps<T = {}>
className to pass to the listbox's container.
containerRefInherited From: IDropdownExpandableProps<T = {}>
Ref to pass to the expandable's container element.
contentLocationInherited From: ICalloutProps
This needs to be supplied for a window relative layout. Otherwise the anchorElement
is used as the location basis.
disabledInherited From: IDropdownExpandableProps<T = {}>
Set to true to make the expandable disabled.
Set to false to keep the callout open when an item is selected.
By default the callout will close on select unless multiselect or selectOnFocus is enabled on selection.
dropdownIdInherited From: IExpandableTextFieldProps
Optional Id that should be used on the dropdown to uniquely identify
this element.
dropdownOriginInherited From: IExpandableTextFieldProps
Location on the dropdown to make relative to the button location.
editableInherited From: IExpandableTextFieldProps
Whether or not textField is editable and should be treated like a combobox.
A custom way to force single-select options in a multi-select selection.
excludeFocusZoneInherited From: ITextFieldProps
Set to true if you don't want focus managed by a FocusZone.
excludeTabStopInherited From: IDropdownExpandableProps<T = {}>
The element should not be tabable but still should be able to receieve focus.
expandKeyKeyCode.DownArrowInherited From: IExpandableSharedProps
KeyCode | KeyCode[]
The key used to expand the components callout.
expandableRefrequiredInherited From: IDropdownExpandableProps<T = {}>
React.RefObject<ExpandableButton | ExpandableTextField>
A ref to forward to the expandable.
filterByText: true
Set to false to not do any text filtering when the user types in the filter box. Do this if you want
to control filtering through userFilteredItems.
(filterText: string, item: IListBoxItem<T>, items: IListBoxItem<T>[]) => boolean | number[]
Optional method to perform a custom filter of items based on filter text.
If not provided, it will filter items based on item.text.
filterPlaceholderTextInherited From: IDropdownCalloutProps<T = {}>
Text to show as a placeholder in the filter box.
The throttle wait time to use when updating the filter. The text field
will still update on every keystroke, but the updating the filter
itself will be throttled by this amount. The default value is 0 ms.
Passing a value of 0 here will cause this text field not to be throttled.
filteredNoResultsTextInherited From: IDropdownCalloutProps<T = {}>
string | IObservableValue<string>
Text to display when there are no filter results. Will be formatted with the current filter string.
focusTreatmentTextFieldFocusTreatmentBehavior.allInherited From: ITextFieldProps
Indicates how we should apply the focus treatment to the
TextField. Default is to show the focus treatment when focused via keyboard or mouse.
TextFields that do not wish to have focus treatment (e.g. in the filter bar) should use "none"
(items: IListBoxItem<T>[]) => ISelectionRange[]
This is called when updates are made to the listBox items to update the unselectbale items in the selection.
hideDropdownIconInherited From: IExpandableTextFieldProps
If hideDropdownIcon is supplied the button acts as a dropdown button
without showing the dropdown arrows.
inputClassNameInherited From: ITextFieldProps
Classname passed to the input/textarea element.
inputElementInherited From: ITextFieldProps
React.RefObject<HTMLTextAreaElement & HTMLInputElement>
ref to get passed to the input element.
inputIdInherited From: IDropdownExpandableProps<T = {}>
Id to be applied to the expandable's input element.
inputTypetextInherited From: ITextFieldProps
"password" | "text" | "button" | "number"
Type that is passed to the <input> element, e.g. password, number, etc.
See for a full list
itemsrequiredInherited From: IListBoxSharedProps<T = {}>
The caller may supply the set of items to be shown through the ItemProvider or array.
The IItemProvider allows the caller to store their items in the form that
bests suits their needs but gives the listbox a well defined interface for
requesting the items. This can include async fetching of items through
observables. Use an IItemProvider or something that implements it like ObservableArray
If the items will be changing.
labelInherited From: ITextFieldProps
Label to be rendered before the TextField. Will be wrapped in a
<label> element and wired up with the appropriate aria attributes.
lightDismissInherited From: ICalloutProps
The callout element will trap mouse events and dismiss the callout when a click
occurs. This will prevent the events from being handled by the underlying
elements outside the callout's contents.
loadingInherited From: IListBoxSharedProps<T = {}>
boolean | Observable<boolean>
Set to true or false to trigger screen reader loading announcements. To show a loading indicator, pass an item of type ListBoxItemType.Loading in items.
maxLengthInherited From: ITextFieldProps
MaxLength on the input/textarea.
maxWidthInherited From: ITextFieldProps
The maximum width in px that the textfield will grow to.
Provide a minimum width for the callout
multilineInherited From: ITextFieldProps
If true, uses a textarea instead of an input element.
noItemsTextInherited From: IDropdownCalloutProps<T = {}>
Text to show when there are no items in the listbox.
onBlurInherited From: ITextFieldProps
() => void
Called when blur event is fired by the input/textarea.
onChangeInherited From: ITextFieldProps
(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement>, value: string) => void
Called when the value of the input/textarea changes.
onClickInherited From: ITextFieldProps
(event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement>) => void
Called when the element is clicked.
onCollapseInherited From: IDropdownExpandableProps<T = {}>
() => void
Optional callback to call when the dropdown is collapsed.
onDismissInherited From: ICalloutProps
() => void
Method that is called when the callout is dismissed.
onExpandInherited From: IDropdownExpandableProps<T = {}>
() => void
Optional callback to call when the dropdown is expanded.
onFilterTextChangedInherited From: IDropdownCalloutProps<T = {}>
(e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement> | null, newValue: string) => void
A callback to notify when the filter text has changed. Do custom searching here and update the items.
onFocusInherited From: ITextFieldProps
(event: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement>) => void
Called when the focus event is fired by the input/textarea.
onKeyDownInherited From: ITextFieldProps
(event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement>) => void
Called when the key down event is fired by the input/textarea.
onKeyPressInherited From: ITextFieldProps
(event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement>) => void
Called when the key press event is fired by the input/textarea.
onKeyUpInherited From: ITextFieldProps
(event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement>) => void
Called when the key press event is fired by the input/textarea.
onPasteInherited From: ITextFieldProps
(event: React.ClipboardEvent<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement>) => void
Called when the paste event is fired by the input/textarea.
onSelectInherited From: IListBoxSharedProps<T = {}>
(event: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLElement>, item: IListBoxItem<T>) => void
onSelect is called when the row is selected. Selection occurs on the
Space keystroke or click.
@param event - This is the event that is causing the selection.
@param item - Details about the list row being selected.
onToggleInherited From: IListBoxSharedProps<T = {}>
(event: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLElement>, item: IListBoxItem<T>) => void
onToggle is called when an item is either expanded or collapsed. This will only do anything if the list box is being displayed as a tree.
@param event - This is the event that is causing the toggle.
@param treeItem - Details about the list item being toggled.
placeholderInherited From: IDropdownExpandableProps<T = {}>
Text to show within the DropdownExpandable when there is no selected value.
portalPropsInherited From: ICalloutProps
The portalProps allow the caller to control how the Callout's portal are
configured. The default will create the portal as a full screen element
rooted in the body.
prefixIconPropsInherited From: ITextFieldProps
Props for the icon to be rendered before the input/textarea.
readOnlyfalseInherited From: ITextFieldProps
If the TextField should be read-only.
renderBeforeContentInherited From: IDropdownCalloutProps<T = {}>
() => JSX.Element | null
Custom content to render before the listbox in the dropdown.
(props: IDropdownCalloutProps) => JSX.Element
Function which returns the callout for this dropdpown.
(props: IDropdownExpandableProps) => JSX.Element
Function which returns the Expandable for this dropdown.
renderItemInherited From: IListBoxSharedProps<T = {}>
(rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number, tableColumn: ITableColumn<IListBoxItem<T>>, tableItem: IListBoxItem<T>) => JSX.Element
If provided, this will be called on each item to determine how it's rendered.
(selection: IListSelection, items: IListBoxItem<T>[]) => JSX.Element | string
Renderer for selected items in the expandable. Defaults to rendering the selected item's text.
requiredfalse.Inherited From: IDropdownExpandableProps<T = {}>
Indicates whether dropdown is required or not.
resizabletrue if the TextField is multiline.Inherited From: ITextFieldProps
If the text area should be resizable. Only used if multiline is true.
Optional aria role
rowsInherited From: ITextFieldProps
Number of rows the text area should have. Only used if multiline is set to true.
searchResultsLoadingTextInherited From: IListBoxSharedProps<T = {}>
String to show when a search is in progress.
searchingInherited From: IListBoxSharedProps<T = {}>
boolean | Observable<boolean | null>
Set to true to show a searching indicator in place of the list and make a screenreader announcement. Set to null to cancel a search without making
an announcement.
selectionInherited From: IListBoxSharedProps<T = {}>
The selection maintains the selected state and defines the selection behavior of the list box. Defaults to a ListSelection
with selectOnFocus set to false if not provided. Selection should be specified on mount and not updated to a new object
during the Listbox's lifecycle.
showCharacterCounterInherited From: ITextFieldProps
If the character counter against the limit in the lower right corner should be displayed.
Only used if maxLength is provided.
Whether or not to display a column with checks or checkboxes for selected items.
showItemsWhileSearchingfalseInherited From: IListBoxSharedProps<T = {}>
Set to true to show any current items while searching for more.
showPrefixtrueInherited From: IDropdownExpandableTextFieldProps
If the list item has an icon show the icon as the prefix icon in the text field.
showTreeInherited From: IListBoxSharedProps<T = {}>
Whether or not to display items as a tree rather than a list
ListBox will construct a tree using the parent field of ListBoxItems
spellCheckundefined which will default to the browser's default for the input and textarea tags.Inherited From: ITextFieldProps
When true or false, overrides the default spellCheck behavior of the browser.
styleTextFieldStyle.normalInherited From: ITextFieldProps
Changes visual appearance of TextField. Use TextFieldStyle.inline to style as an inline text field.
suffixIconPropsInherited From: ITextFieldProps
Props for the icon to be rendered after the input/textarea.
tabIndexInherited From: ITextFieldProps
Sets the tabindex on the input/textarea element.
tooltipPropsInherited From: ITextFieldProps
Tooltip to show when the button is hovered.
userFilteredItemsInherited From: IDropdownCalloutProps<T = {}>
Provide if you want to show a custom set of filtered items. The items will still be filtered by text in the filterbox unless filterByText is false.
userFilteredItemsIndexMapInherited From: IDropdownCalloutProps<T = {}>
Provides the original item index for each item in userFilteredItems.
Optional, if not provided then this will be computed by traversing items for match indices, which can be slow if there are a lot of items.
valueInherited From: ITextFieldProps
IReadonlyObservableValue<string | undefined> | string
Text value of the input/textarea. This prop is 100% controlled
by the consumer. onChange must also be implemented in order to
work properly. If this value is a raw string, the prop must be
updated to cause the TextField to re-render. If this value is an
ObservableValue, then changing its value will cause the TextField
to re-render.
Supply for a custom width for the callout. By default, the callout's width will be the same as the
expandable. To change the expandable width, set a className.