A list displays a group of selectable, actionable items.
.NET CoreBuild, test, package, or publish a dotnet application |
.NET Core Tool InstallerAcquires a specific version of .NET Core from internal installer |
Android SigningSign and align Android APK Files |
App Center DistributeDistribute app builds to testers and users via AppCenter |
App Center TestTest app packages with App Center |
Archive FilesArchive files using compression formats |
Azure App Service DeployUpdate Azure App Services on Windows, Web Applications, etc. |
Lists support automatic pagination and virtualization, so you aren't rendering more than you need to.
HTMLElement | null
HTMLElement | null
Data that represents the instance of T for this row. In some cases the
row data may not be available.
selectOnFocusInherited From: IListSelection
Whether or not this selection will select items when they receive focus.
(value: ISelectionRange[], action: string) => void
Let the filtered selection know that its parent selection has changed.
@param value the selection ranges returned from the change on the parent selection.
@param action the action that occured on the parent selection.
(filteredIndexMap: number[]) => void
Using the parent selection and a map of filtered indices to parent selection indices,
update the state of the filteredSelection.
@param filteredIndexMap a mapping of filtered indices to parent selection indices
Whether or not this selection will select items when they receive focus.
Set to true to select items when they receive focus.
(id: string, rowIndex: number, render: (props: IOverlayRenderProps) => React.ReactNode, zIndex?: number, columnIndex?: number): void
addOverlay is used to create, or update an existing, overlay over an existing list row.
This allows the caller to apply effects to the row by having elements
that appear over top of the row.
@param id This is a unique id for this overlay.
@param rowIndex The index of the row the overlay should hover over.
@param render A function which returns the React nodes that should be placed within the overlay.
The parent element will be positioned, and have the same height and width
as the underlying row element.
@param zIndex If there are multiple overlays the caller can use the zIndex
parameter to ensure they are layered correctly.
@param columnIndex The index of the column the overlay should hover over (used for column header drag/drop)
(id: string): void
removeOverlay is used to remove an overlay that has already been registered.
The unique id is all that is needed.
@param id This is a unique id for this overlay.
addOverlayInherited From: IRowOverlayableUI
(id: string, rowIndex: number, render: (props: IOverlayRenderProps) => React.ReactNode, zIndex?: number, columnIndex?: number): void
addOverlay is used to create, or update an existing, overlay over an existing list row.
This allows the caller to apply effects to the row by having elements
that appear over top of the row.
@param id This is a unique id for this overlay.
@param rowIndex The index of the row the overlay should hover over.
@param render A function which returns the React nodes that should be placed within the overlay.
The parent element will be positioned, and have the same height and width
as the underlying row element.
@param zIndex If there are multiple overlays the caller can use the zIndex
parameter to ensure they are layered correctly.
@param columnIndex The index of the column the overlay should hover over (used for column header drag/drop)
removeOverlayInherited From: IRowOverlayableUI
(id: string): void
removeOverlay is used to remove an overlay that has already been registered.
The unique id is all that is needed.
@param id This is a unique id for this overlay.
readonly index
readonly sourceId
addOverlayInherited From: IRowOverlayableUI
(id: string, rowIndex: number, render: (props: IOverlayRenderProps) => React.ReactNode, zIndex?: number, columnIndex?: number): void
addOverlay is used to create, or update an existing, overlay over an existing list row.
This allows the caller to apply effects to the row by having elements
that appear over top of the row.
@param id This is a unique id for this overlay.
@param rowIndex The index of the row the overlay should hover over.
@param render A function which returns the React nodes that should be placed within the overlay.
The parent element will be positioned, and have the same height and width
as the underlying row element.
@param zIndex If there are multiple overlays the caller can use the zIndex
parameter to ensure they are layered correctly.
@param columnIndex The index of the column the overlay should hover over (used for column header drag/drop)
(rowIndex: number, direction?: number): Promise<void>
Sets the focus to the given row after scrolling to it. If it's not focusable, it will use `direction` to find the closest one.
@param rowIndex The index of the row to focus.
@param direction Use 1 or -1 to try previous or next rows when given row is not focusable.
(): IListMaterializedStats
Returns an object with the indexes of the first and last materialized and rendered rows.
removeOverlayInherited From: IRowOverlayableUI
(id: string): void
removeOverlay is used to remove an overlay that has already been registered.
The unique id is all that is needed.
@param id This is a unique id for this overlay.
(rowIndex: number, options?: ScrollIntoViewOptions, onScrollComplete?: (rowIndex: number) => void) => void
scrollIntoView works like the element method in the browser, but instead of being
based on the element scrollIntoView will scroll the row specified by the rowIndex
into view.
@param rowIndex The 0 based rowIndex that should be scrolled into view.
@param options These options are passed on to the underlying element.
@param onScrollComplete This delegate is called when the scrolling is complete.
This may not be immediate if the list has to materialize rows to scroll.
NOTE: The rowIndex passed to the delegate will be the requested rowIndex or
-1 if another scrollIntoView request is made before this scroll request completes.
Sets aria-busy on the list item element.
"page" | "step" | "location" | "date" | "time" | "true" | "false"
Sets aria-current value if the row matches the requirements of aria-current
More information:
Sets aria-describedby on the list item element.
ariaLabel allows the caller to describe the elements contents to assistive
ariaLabelledBy property enables authors to reference other elements on the page to define an accessible name to assistive
number | null
Sets aria-posinset on the tr element. Defaults to the item index.
ariaRowOffset1 The default value is 1 because the aria-rowindex is 1-based instead of 0-based
Amount to offset the aria-rowindex attribute of a row. This should be added
to the index to produce the aria-rowindex of the row. The common use case for this property
is accounting for the header row of a Table. Per the ARIA spec, a header row should be included in
the aria-rowcount, and provided an aria-rowindex of 1, meaning the first actual row of the table
needs an aria-rowindex of 2.
number | null
Sets aria-setsize on the tr element. Defaults to the itemProvider length.
The data represents the object being rendered in this row. If the caller
has asynchronous loading of rows, the data MAY be undefined while we wait
for the data to be resolved.
An event dispatch the row MAY use to dispatch custom events to list behaviors.
Set to true to exclude the list item from the focus zone.
If false, the row will get tabIndex=0, otherwise tabIndex=-1.
(rowIndex: number, event: React.FocusEvent<HTMLElement>) => void
The row MUST call onFocusItem when a row or one of the child elements of the row receives focus.
Set to true if text in the list row should be selectable.
If true, will make cursor display as a pointer when hovering over the item otherwise default.
The number of columns visible to the screen reader.
By default this is the value of columnCount
Aria label property for the list.
Amount to offset the aria-rowcount attribute of a list. This should be added
to the number of items in the list to produce the aria-rowcount. The common use case for this property
is accounting for the header row of a Table. Per the ARIA spec, a header row should be included in
the aria-rowcount.
IBehavior<Partial<IListProps<T>>, Partial<IList<T>>>[]
Behaviors can be added to the list and monitor events and interact with the
component through the IList methods.
CSS className to add to the list root element.
Number of columns the list is going to represent. This is important to get
correct if the contents are going to show as multi-column since the
virtualization is emitting elements (non-visible) into the list for paging.
By default the list is a single column value.
The index of the row that should be tabbable before the list has received focus.
A custom way to force single-select options in a multi-select selection.
The caller can supply an EventDispatch to the list if it wishes to
participate it extending the behaviors. If one isn't supplied the list will
create its own dispatcher when behaviors are supplied.
The element should not be tabable but still should be able to receieve focus.
focuszoneProps allows the caller to manage the how the list rows are focused.
The default focuszone if one isn't supplied is a Vertical non-cyclic focus zone.
Unique Id for this list.
initialPageCount is used when the list is drawing pages and no pages are
visible. This primarily happens when the list is initially rendered.
The impact of setting this value effects performance of the initial render.
Since the component performs 0 measurements it renders the initialPages and
uses the IntersectionObserver to determine whether or not it has filled the
components viewport. This means that in the first pass it will render the
requested rows and then update the rows after the observer reports on the
visibility of the rendered pages. If 3 was not enough to fill the UI it will
render more, but this will happen async.
The default is 3 pages with a default of 10 rows per page - 30 rows..
IItemProvider<T | IReadonlyObservableValue<T | undefined>>
The caller MUST supply the set of items to be shown through the ItemProvider.
The IItemProvider allows the caller to store their items in the form that
bests suits their needs but gives the list a well defined interface for
requesting the items. This can include async fetching of items through
There is simple ArrayItemProvider<T> for those that just have a set of items
they want to supply without writing a custom ItemProvider.
The maximum height of the table when virtualized. Browsers have issues
rendering elements that are too large and when the List contains thousands
of elements, the list renders very large spacer elements to correctly
position the scroll bar. The large spacer elements cause rendering issues
across browsers. To bypass this, we need to limit how large the list can
grow to. By default this size is 100,000px. However, if you have multiple
items within a scrollable region, this number might need to be reduced.
For instance, if you have 5 lists that can contain a lot of rows in the
same scrollable region, you would likely want to set the max height for
each list to 20,000. Keep in mind that the smaller this number, the harder
it will be for a user to scroll with precision.
maxWidth is used to control the maximum width of the list.
minWidth is used to control the minumum width of the list.
(event: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLElement>, listRow: IListRow<T>) => void
onActivate is called when the row is activated. Activation occurs on
the Enter keystroke or double click.
@param event This is the event that is causing the activation.
@param listRow Details about the list row being activated.
(event: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLElement>, listRow: IListRow<T>) => void
onFocus is called when a item in the list is focused. Preventing default
on the focus event will prevent row selection from occuring even if
selectOnFocus is set to true.
@param event This is the event that is causing the activation.
@param listRow Details about the list row being activated.
(event: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLElement>, listRow: IListRow<T>) => void
onSelect is called when the row is selected. Selection occurs on the
Space keystroke or click.
@param event - This is the event that is causing the selection.
@param listRow - Details about the list row being selected.
This determines which element will be used for the overlay instead of the default element.
The format expected here is the CSS selector.
pageSize controls the granularity of row rendering. The list always renders
a full page worth of rows even when they are not needed to fill the viewport.
Smaller values will help reduce the number of wasted rows that are rendered
outside the viewport, but will force the list to re-render more often as
scrolling occurs.
() => JSX.Element
Lists MAY render a header above the list contents. This is done through the
onRenderHeader. Like the renderRow method, there are set of restrictions the
implmentation MUST follow.
1) The header function MUST return a singlely rooted component that resolves
to single rooted element, or return a single element that is either a <tr>
or another acceptable tag that is marked as a display: table-row.
2) The header function MUST only include direct child elements that are either
<td>'s or acceptable elements that are maked as display: table-cell. The
renderer MUST return one element for each defined column even if there is
no data to be rendered in the column.
(rowIndex: number, details: IListItemDetails<T>) => JSX.Element
When a row's value is given as an ObservableValue with an undefined value,
the list will render a Loading row for the content. The default will be
a shimmer row that is semi random and matches the content.
@param index This is the 0 based row index that should be rendered.
@param details Additional details about this row.
(rowIndex: number, item: T, details: IListItemDetails<T>) => JSX.Element | null
All callers must supply a function for rendering the list row.
The requirements of this function are quite complicated and before writing
a new row renderer you should ensure one doesnt already exist that solves
your needs.
1) The row function MUST return a singlely rooted component that resolves
to single rooted element, or return a single element that is either a <tr>
or another acceptable tag that is marked as a display: table-row.
2) The row function MUST only include direct child elements that are either
<td>'s or acceptable elements that are maked as display: table-cell. The
renderer MUST return one element for each defined column even if there is
no data to be rendered in the column.
3) The row function MUST call onFocusItem when either the row element or
any of the rows child elements receive the focus. This is needed to ensure
navigation within the list as well as in and out of the list function
Exception: If your list doesn't support row level focus/selection.
4) The row function MUST add data-row-index on the row element. This is
needed to ensure mouse events can be translated to rows.
5) The row function MAY dispatch events for behaviors but is not required.
If any events are dispatched they should be documented on the row renderer.
6) The row function is responsible for all accessibility and focus
management within the row.
Exception: If your list doesn't support row level focus/selection.
@param index This is the 0 based row index that should be rendered.
@param item This is the object that represents the current rows data.
@param details Additional details to handle aria attributes and focus.
role defines the aria role of the list and defaults to "listbox"
If the caller has variable height rows they can specify the rowHeight they
want used to estimate the size of virtualized rows. This means that when rows
are not rendered, the component will create virtual space for those rows to
ensure the scrolling behavior acts appropriately.
If the list has fixed size rows there is no need to specify a rowHeight. The
list will determine the height of the rows after the initial render when
the observer reports on page visibility.
Question: How do I determine the rowHeight if their are variable height rows.
This one is a tough question, and the general answer is come up with a fair
average for the rows on a given page. If the select too large or too small
scrolling behaviors can become a bit odd, generally select on the smaller
side if you are unsure.
An array of heights to be used when calculating the spacer heights. If not supplied, the heights used
will be estimations.
Should the list select a row when it is clicked?
Provides a way to turn off row-click selection when necessary, for things like
Table with singleClickActivation
Set to true to allow text selection on all list rows.
A selection object can be supplied for managing the list selection. This
is not required since the list offers onSelect as a delegate. If the caller
wants multi-selction they must use an IListSelection that supports multi
select. Selection should be specified on mount if used and not updated to
a new object during the List's lifecycle.
There is a basic ListSelection implementation available from the List
Whether we should allow scrolling on this list
If false, we will add scroll-hidden css class to the list
Using singleClickActivation will activate the item when the row is clicked.
Where setting singleClickActivation to false will require a doubleclick to
activate a given row.
If virtualize false is supplied the list will render all the items supplied
to it. This shouldn't be used unless you know you have a limited number of
rows. Virtualization is used to avoid performance problems.
width can be any supported css width value, either a %, px, and vw value.
A link that should be applied to the text of the cell.
Optional. The relationship of the linked URL as space-separated link types. Used only if href is defined.
See for more information.
Optional. Where to display the linked URL, as the name for a browsing context. Used only if href is defined.
See for more information.
text that should within the cell.
Optionally className that should be applied to the text.
Optional node that will render instead of the text string.
Separate to preserve needed access to the text like with sorting.
ariaColumnCountInherited From: IListProps<T>
The number of columns visible to the screen reader.
By default this is the value of columnCount
ariaLabelInherited From: IListProps<T>
Aria label property for the list.
ariaRowOffset0Inherited From: IListProps<T>
Amount to offset the aria-rowcount attribute of a list. This should be added
to the number of items in the list to produce the aria-rowcount. The common use case for this property
is accounting for the header row of a Table. Per the ARIA spec, a header row should be included in
the aria-rowcount.
behaviorsInherited From: IListProps<T>
IBehavior<Partial<IListProps<T>>, Partial<IList<T>>>[]
Behaviors can be added to the list and monitor events and interact with the
component through the IList methods.
classNameInherited From: IListProps<T>
CSS className to add to the list root element.
columnCountInherited From: IListProps<T>
Number of columns the list is going to represent. This is important to get
correct if the contents are going to show as multi-column since the
virtualization is emitting elements (non-visible) into the list for paging.
By default the list is a single column value.
defaultTabbableRow0Inherited From: IListProps<T>
The index of the row that should be tabbable before the list has received focus.
enforceSingleSelectInherited From: IListProps<T>
A custom way to force single-select options in a multi-select selection.
eventDispatchInherited From: IListProps<T>
The caller can supply an EventDispatch to the list if it wishes to
participate it extending the behaviors. If one isn't supplied the list will
create its own dispatcher when behaviors are supplied.
excludeTabStopInherited From: IListProps<T>
The element should not be tabable but still should be able to receieve focus.
focuszonePropsInherited From: IListProps<T>
focuszoneProps allows the caller to manage the how the list rows are focused.
The default focuszone if one isn't supplied is a Vertical non-cyclic focus zone.
idInherited From: IListProps<T>
Unique Id for this list.
initialPageCountInherited From: IListProps<T>
initialPageCount is used when the list is drawing pages and no pages are
visible. This primarily happens when the list is initially rendered.
The impact of setting this value effects performance of the initial render.
Since the component performs 0 measurements it renders the initialPages and
uses the IntersectionObserver to determine whether or not it has filled the
components viewport. This means that in the first pass it will render the
requested rows and then update the rows after the observer reports on the
visibility of the rendered pages. If 3 was not enough to fill the UI it will
render more, but this will happen async.
The default is 3 pages with a default of 10 rows per page - 30 rows..
itemProviderrequiredInherited From: IListProps<T>
IItemProvider<T | IReadonlyObservableValue<T | undefined>>
The caller MUST supply the set of items to be shown through the ItemProvider.
The IItemProvider allows the caller to store their items in the form that
bests suits their needs but gives the list a well defined interface for
requesting the items. This can include async fetching of items through
There is simple ArrayItemProvider<T> for those that just have a set of items
they want to supply without writing a custom ItemProvider.
maxHeight100000Inherited From: IListProps<T>
The maximum height of the table when virtualized. Browsers have issues
rendering elements that are too large and when the List contains thousands
of elements, the list renders very large spacer elements to correctly
position the scroll bar. The large spacer elements cause rendering issues
across browsers. To bypass this, we need to limit how large the list can
grow to. By default this size is 100,000px. However, if you have multiple
items within a scrollable region, this number might need to be reduced.
For instance, if you have 5 lists that can contain a lot of rows in the
same scrollable region, you would likely want to set the max height for
each list to 20,000. Keep in mind that the smaller this number, the harder
it will be for a user to scroll with precision.
maxWidthInherited From: IListProps<T>
maxWidth is used to control the maximum width of the list.
minWidthInherited From: IListProps<T>
minWidth is used to control the minumum width of the list.
onActivateInherited From: IListProps<T>
(event: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLElement>, listRow: IListRow<T>) => void
onActivate is called when the row is activated. Activation occurs on
the Enter keystroke or double click.
@param event This is the event that is causing the activation.
@param listRow Details about the list row being activated.
onFocusInherited From: IListProps<T>
(event: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLElement>, listRow: IListRow<T>) => void
onFocus is called when a item in the list is focused. Preventing default
on the focus event will prevent row selection from occuring even if
selectOnFocus is set to true.
@param event This is the event that is causing the activation.
@param listRow Details about the list row being activated.
(event: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLElement>) => void
onScroll is called when the list is scrolled. This event is not throttled.
@param event Scroll event details
onSelectInherited From: IListProps<T>
(event: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLElement>, listRow: IListRow<T>) => void
onSelect is called when the row is selected. Selection occurs on the
Space keystroke or click.
@param event - This is the event that is causing the selection.
@param listRow - Details about the list row being selected.
Scrollable List has an outer div. Use this to add classes to it. Use className to
add classes to the inner list element.
overlayInherited From: IListProps<T>
This determines which element will be used for the overlay instead of the default element.
The format expected here is the CSS selector.
pageSizeInherited From: IListProps<T>
pageSize controls the granularity of row rendering. The list always renders
a full page worth of rows even when they are not needed to fill the viewport.
Smaller values will help reduce the number of wasted rows that are rendered
outside the viewport, but will force the list to re-render more often as
scrolling occurs.
renderHeaderInherited From: IListProps<T>
() => JSX.Element
Lists MAY render a header above the list contents. This is done through the
onRenderHeader. Like the renderRow method, there are set of restrictions the
implmentation MUST follow.
1) The header function MUST return a singlely rooted component that resolves
to single rooted element, or return a single element that is either a <tr>
or another acceptable tag that is marked as a display: table-row.
2) The header function MUST only include direct child elements that are either
<td>'s or acceptable elements that are maked as display: table-cell. The
renderer MUST return one element for each defined column even if there is
no data to be rendered in the column.
renderLoadingRowInherited From: IListProps<T>
(rowIndex: number, details: IListItemDetails<T>) => JSX.Element
When a row's value is given as an ObservableValue with an undefined value,
the list will render a Loading row for the content. The default will be
a shimmer row that is semi random and matches the content.
@param index This is the 0 based row index that should be rendered.
@param details Additional details about this row.
renderRowrequiredInherited From: IListProps<T>
(rowIndex: number, item: T, details: IListItemDetails<T>) => JSX.Element | null
All callers must supply a function for rendering the list row.
The requirements of this function are quite complicated and before writing
a new row renderer you should ensure one doesnt already exist that solves
your needs.
1) The row function MUST return a singlely rooted component that resolves
to single rooted element, or return a single element that is either a <tr>
or another acceptable tag that is marked as a display: table-row.
2) The row function MUST only include direct child elements that are either
<td>'s or acceptable elements that are maked as display: table-cell. The
renderer MUST return one element for each defined column even if there is
no data to be rendered in the column.
3) The row function MUST call onFocusItem when either the row element or
any of the rows child elements receive the focus. This is needed to ensure
navigation within the list as well as in and out of the list function
Exception: If your list doesn't support row level focus/selection.
4) The row function MUST add data-row-index on the row element. This is
needed to ensure mouse events can be translated to rows.
5) The row function MAY dispatch events for behaviors but is not required.
If any events are dispatched they should be documented on the row renderer.
6) The row function is responsible for all accessibility and focus
management within the row.
Exception: If your list doesn't support row level focus/selection.
@param index This is the 0 based row index that should be rendered.
@param item This is the object that represents the current rows data.
@param details Additional details to handle aria attributes and focus.
roleInherited From: IListProps<T>
role defines the aria role of the list and defaults to "listbox"
rowHeightInherited From: IListProps<T>
If the caller has variable height rows they can specify the rowHeight they
want used to estimate the size of virtualized rows. This means that when rows
are not rendered, the component will create virtual space for those rows to
ensure the scrolling behavior acts appropriately.
If the list has fixed size rows there is no need to specify a rowHeight. The
list will determine the height of the rows after the initial render when
the observer reports on page visibility.
Question: How do I determine the rowHeight if their are variable height rows.
This one is a tough question, and the general answer is come up with a fair
average for the rows on a given page. If the select too large or too small
scrolling behaviors can become a bit odd, generally select on the smaller
side if you are unsure.
rowHeightsInherited From: IListProps<T>
An array of heights to be used when calculating the spacer heights. If not supplied, the heights used
will be estimations.
selectRowOnClicktrueInherited From: IListProps<T>
Should the list select a row when it is clicked?
Provides a way to turn off row-click selection when necessary, for things like
Table with singleClickActivation
selectableTextInherited From: IListProps<T>
Set to true to allow text selection on all list rows.
selectionInherited From: IListProps<T>
A selection object can be supplied for managing the list selection. This
is not required since the list offers onSelect as a delegate. If the caller
wants multi-selction they must use an IListSelection that supports multi
select. Selection should be specified on mount if used and not updated to
a new object during the List's lifecycle.
There is a basic ListSelection implementation available from the List
showScrollfalseInherited From: IListProps<T>
Whether we should allow scrolling on this list
If false, we will add scroll-hidden css class to the list
singleClickActivationfalseInherited From: IListProps<T>
Using singleClickActivation will activate the item when the row is clicked.
Where setting singleClickActivation to false will require a doubleclick to
activate a given row.
virtualizeInherited From: IListProps<T>
If virtualize false is supplied the list will render all the items supplied
to it. This shouldn't be used unless you know you have a limited number of
rows. Virtualization is used to avoid performance problems.
widthInherited From: IListProps<T>
width can be any supported css width value, either a %, px, and vw value.
scrollable should be set to true if the list is not contained in a
scrolling element. This will ensure the list scrolls vertically within
the list element itself.
css class that will be added to the list item.
Details about the list item being rendered. This is given to the caller
when a row needs to be rendered.
Index of the row that is being rendered.
Id of represented work item
Desired tab index