All pages include the Shell components. These help contextualize the current screen, indicating where you are within the product, how to get back or hop to a different area or services.
Shell anatomy

- (1) Global top bar
- (2) System breadcrumb
- (3) Navigation bar
Navigation bar

(1) Product title
(2) Service
(3) Page
(4) Selected page
(5) Level 1 items (also known as “L1”)
(6) Level 2 items (also known as “L2”)
Do: Keep number of items in L2 to a minimum.
Don’t: Rely on L2 for essential navigation and context, as it is hidden in smaller screens.
Navigation bar L2 components

- (1) Overview
- (2) Boards
- (3) Repos
- (4) Pipelines
- (5) Test Plans
- (6) Artifacts
Global top bar

(1) Default
(2) Compact
(3) Side actions
Do: Include only system level tasks.
Don’t: Include items related to active page, current project, etc.
System breadcrumb
Every page must inform the Breadcrumb API about its location within the hierarchical information architecture.

- (1) Default breadcrumb
- (2) Breadcrumb item mouseover ($neutral-alpha-6)
- (3) Breadcrumb item focus
- (4) Breadcrumb item active ($neutral-alpha-8)

When space is not available, the first items of the breadcrumb can be collapsed:
- (1) Hidden first items
- (2) Hidden first items, overflow mouseover
- (3) Hidden first items, overflow focus
- (4) Hidden first items, overflow active
Responsive breakpoints
xlarge: ≥ 1920px

- (1) Navigation bar: 240px
- (2) Sidebar: 384px
- (3) Main content: auto
Note: The example shows a 1920px screen size.
large: ≥ 1366px

- (1) Navigation bar: 240px
- (2) Sidebar: 320px
- (3) Main content: auto
Note: The example shows a 1919px screen size.

- (1) Navigation bar: 240px
- (2) Sidebar: 320px
- (3) Main content: auto
Note: The example shows a 1440px screen size.

- (1) Navigation bar: 240px
- (2) Sidebar: 320px
- (3) Main content: auto
Note: The example shows a 1366px screen size.
medium: ≥ 1024px
At this breakpoint, the “compact” view stops being an option: the navigation bar is always collapsed, with only L1 items shown

- (1) Navigation bar: 48px
- (2) Sidebar: 280px
- (3) Main content: auto
Note: The example shows a 1355px screen size.

- (1) Navigation bar: 48px
- (2) Sidebar: 280px
- (3) Main content: auto
Note: The example shows a 1024px screen size.
small: ≥ 600px

Note: The example shows a 600px screen size.
xsmall: < 600px

Note: The example shows a 400px screen size.
Changes to the Shell
Any changes to the Shell components must be considered and studied across teams and services, including the design system team. Patterns introduced to the Shell components will have an impact across the entire product, and should not be agreed to in isolation.