Windows Bridge for iOS
With this Microsoft open-source project, you can keep your iOS app in Objective-C and combine many supported iOS frameworks with Windows-specific features.
Get started with the Bridge
1. Install Visual Studio
If you don’t already have Visual Studio, you can download Visual Studio Community for free. If you don’t have a PC, you can still try the bridge using a downloadable evaluation virtual machine and your favorite virtualization environment.
2. Install the Windows Bridge for iOS
Installing the bridge is easy. Simply download the binary from the GitHub repository and extract to an appropriate location on your PC.
3. Build your app
Import your Xcode project into Visual Studio by using the vsimporter tool included with the SDK, or start writing your next great Universal Windows Platform app in Visual Studio using Objective-C. For additional information about using vsimporter, see our Wiki.
How to convert your iOS app to Windows
Learn how the tools will automatically generate Visual Studio solutions from your Xcode projects, and provide you with what you need to build native Windows UWP apps using the Objective-C language you already know.