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Microsoft Reactor

Únase a Microsoft Reactor e interactúe con startups y desarrolladores en directo.

¿Todo listo para empezar a usar la IA? Microsoft Reactor proporciona eventos, formación y recursos de la comunidad para ayudar a startups, emprendedores y desarrolladores a crear su próximo negocio con tecnología basada en IA. ¡Acompáñenos!


Microsoft Reactor

Únase a Microsoft Reactor e interactúe con startups y desarrolladores en directo.

¿Todo listo para empezar a usar la IA? Microsoft Reactor proporciona eventos, formación y recursos de la comunidad para ayudar a startups, emprendedores y desarrolladores a crear su próximo negocio con tecnología basada en IA. ¡Acompáñenos!


Getting started with your first Microservice in .NET 6 | #SamosaChai.NET

21 octubre, 2022 | 11:30 a. m. - 12:30 p. m. (UTC) Hora universal coordinada

  • Formato:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Tema del evento: Microservicios y las API

Idioma: Inglés

In this session, we will work on .NET 6 microservice. Learn how to Design, Architect, and deploy to AKS. In this session, we will speak about Code, Unit Testing, DevOps, Static Code Analysis, and GitHub Actions.

What we will cover in this session:

  1. .NET 6 Web API
  2. Dependency Injection, AppSettings.json, Secrets.json, and Layered Architecture
  3. DTO, Auto-Mapper, Strongly typed Configuration, Repository Pattern, and Serilog
  4. Executing it locally on IIS Express, Kestrel, Docker, and Docker Compose
  5. Terraform to deploy resources into AWS, and Azure (Cloud Agnostic)
  6. DevOps from 30,000 feet, Pull Request Process, Gated Build, and Continuous Integration Build
  7. Unit Testing, Static Code Analysis, Software Composition Analysis
  8. Deploy AKS Infrastructure using GitHub Actions
  9. Create Products.API's docker image and push it to Docker Hub using GitHub Actions
  10. Deploy Products Microservice docker image from Docker Hub into AKS using GitHub Actions
  11. CRUD Operations on the Deployed Products microservice into AKS using Postman
  12. Hands of Azure Kubernetes Service using Portal / VS Code Extension / Azure Cloud Shell
  13. Hands of Azure Kubernetes Service using Imperative way

Guest Speaker: Viswanatha Swamy
He is an aspirant Software Architect and currently, he works at Applied Information Sciences. He is passionate about C#, ASP.Net, Azure, Performance testing/tuning, .Net Core, and Docker. He loves to learn about new technologies.

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Speaker info: Nish Anil
Nish is a Program Manager in the Developer Division (Community) at Microsoft. He knows about Azure Container Apps, Azd, Azure PaaS, .NET, and more! For the past few years, he has been helping developers build production-ready apps in Cloud-Native technologies and maintains the popular Architecture reference guides @

Social Handle
Twitter, GitHub, and Instagram: @nishanil

Speaker info: Vivek Sridhar
Vivek Sridhar is a technophile and an Open-Source contributor with around 15 years of experience in the Software Industry and works at Microsoft as Senior Cloud Advocate. In his previous role, he has mentored startups/developers, speaker at conferences/meetups for DigitalOcean as Senior Developer Advocate, Co-Founder / Chief-Architect of NoodleNext Technology. He was also heading DevOps and QA at BlackBuck and was a DevOps Solution Architect at HCL (Australia) in client engagement. Vivek started his career with IBM Rational (India Software Labs) as a Software Developer.

Social Handle
Twitter -

Requisitos previos

Products Microservice GitHub URL:


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