Microsoft Edge WebView2

Embed web content (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) in your native applications with Microsoft Edge WebView2.

Best of the Web

Use the modern Microsoft Edge (Chromium) platform to bring web experiences into your native app.

Power of native

Build powerful and secure applications by allowing WebView2 controlled access to native capabilities.

Evergreen or fixed version

By default, WebView2 is evergreen and receives automatic updates to stay on the latest and most secure platform.

A fixed version variant is available for applications with strict compatibility requirements.

Download the WebView2 Runtime

When distributing your application, there are a few ways you can ensure the WebView2 Runtime is on client machines. Learn more about those options. For installation issues and error codes see our troubleshooting guide.

Bootstrapper sìor-uaine

Tha am Bootstrapper na stàlaichear beag bìodach a bhios a’ luchdachadh sìos ailtireachd inneal maidsidh Evergreen Runtime agus ga stàladh gu h-ionadail. Tha Ceangal ann cuideachd a leigeas leat am Bootstrapper a luchdachadh sìos gu prògramach.

Stàlaichear Evergreen Standalone

Stàlaichear làn-sèididh as urrainn an Evergreen Runtime a chuir a-steach ann an àrainneachd far-loidhne. Ri fhaighinn airson x86/x64/ARM64.

Tionndadh Stèidhichte

Tagh agus pacaich dreach sònraichte den WebView2 Runtime leis an tagradh agad.

  • * Dh’fhaoidte gum bi diofar ghleusan ri làimh agus gun dèan iad rudan beagan eadar-dhealaichte a-rèir an uidheim, na margaid agus tionndadh a’ bhrabhsair.