Vivek Sridhar
AI を始める準備はできていますか? Microsoft Reactor は、スタートアップ企業、起業家、開発者が AI テクノロジの上に次のビジネスを構築するのに役立つイベント、トレーニング、コミュニティ リソースを提供します。 ご参加ください。
AI を始める準備はできていますか? Microsoft Reactor は、スタートアップ企業、起業家、開発者が AI テクノロジの上に次のビジネスを構築するのに役立つイベント、トレーニング、コミュニティ リソースを提供します。 ご参加ください。
18 10月, 2022 | 5:00 午前 - 6:20 午前 (UTC) 協定世界時
トピック: インフラ
言語: 英語
More than 100 Azure services offer everything you need to build and run your applications with all the performance, redundancy, security, and scale the cloud offers. But knowing where to begin with all these services can seem overwhelming. Join Vivek Sridhar to get started with Azure and Azure services for Startups. This session will be completely hands-on and a masterclass for startups to start with Azure.
What we plan to cover:
Azure Container Instance, Container Apps, App Service, Azure Functions, Application Insights, Azure Monitor, Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Static Web app & Azure AI services.
Session hosted by- Vivek Sridhar
Vivek is a technophile and an Open-Source contributor with around 17 years of experience in the Software Industry and works at Microsoft as Senior Cloud Advocate. In his previous role, he has mentored startups/developers, speaker at conferences/meetups for DigitalOcean as Senior Developer Advocate, Co-Founder / Chief-Architect of NoodleNext Technology. He was also heading DevOps and QA at BlackBuck and was a DevOps Solution Architect at HCL (Australia) in client engagement. Vivek started his career with IBM Rational (India Software Labs) as a Software Developer.
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トピック: インフラ
言語: 英語
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