Nanddeep Nachan
M365 Consultant
AI を始める準備はできていますか? Microsoft Reactor は、スタートアップ企業、起業家、開発者が AI テクノロジの上に次のビジネスを構築するのに役立つイベント、トレーニング、コミュニティ リソースを提供します。 ご参加ください。
AI を始める準備はできていますか? Microsoft Reactor は、スタートアップ企業、起業家、開発者が AI テクノロジの上に次のビジネスを構築するのに役立つイベント、トレーニング、コミュニティ リソースを提供します。 ご参加ください。
15 3月, 2023 | 12:30 午後 - 1:30 午後 (UTC) 協定世界時
トピック: DevOps
言語: 英語
Viva Connections help build digital employee experience that makes the employee experience engaging and informative. Developers can extend Microsoft Viva Connections for building engaging experiences with the widely adopted SharePoint Framework (SPFx). In this session, we will cover the extensibility opportunities with SPFx and how to start building an engaging user experience for the users.
The session will focus on:
•Balance out curated and tailored experiences to your users
•Build your first SharePoint Adaptive Card Extension
•Advanced Card View Functionality
•Advanced Quick View Functionality
•Adaptive Card Extensions and Teams Apps
What will the attendees learn from the session
•Importance of building digital employee experience
•Ways to extend Viva Connections experience
•Building rich experiences with SharePoint Framework
Speaker Bio- Nanddeep Nachan
Nanddeep Nachan is 3 times Microsoft MVP (M365 Apps and Services) and MCT. A results oriented consultant with experience in Microsoft Technologies especially with SharePoint, MS Azure and .NET. Experienced in design, implementation, configuration, and maintenance of several large-scale projects.
Author of books:
➟ Mastering SharePoint Framework (BPB Publications)
➟ Understanding Hybrid Environments in SharePoint 2019 (Apress)
➟ Up and Running on Microsoft Viva Connections (Apress)
Social Handle of the speaker-
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Twitter: (URL)
Blog: (URL)
Understanding of SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, and Yammer
Understanding of SharePoint Framework extensibility model
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