Vivek Sridhar
AI を始める準備はできていますか? Microsoft Reactor は、スタートアップ企業、起業家、開発者が AI テクノロジの上に次のビジネスを構築するのに役立つイベント、トレーニング、コミュニティ リソースを提供します。 ご参加ください。
AI を始める準備はできていますか? Microsoft Reactor は、スタートアップ企業、起業家、開発者が AI テクノロジの上に次のビジネスを構築するのに役立つイベント、トレーニング、コミュニティ リソースを提供します。 ご参加ください。
11 4月, 2023 | 5:00 午前 - 6:00 午前 (UTC) 協定世界時
トピック: WebDev
言語: 英語
Learn how to develop speech-enabled applications by using the Speech service.
The Speech service enables you to build speech-enabled applications. This talk focuses on using speech-to-text and text-to-speech APIs, which enable you to create apps capable of speech recognition and synthesis.
We will also learn - Translation of speech builds on speech recognition by recognizing and transcribing spoken input in a specified language and returning translations of the transcription in one or more other languages.
What we will learn:
•Use the Speech-to-Text API to implement speech recognition
•Use the Text-to-Speech API to implement speech synthesis
•Configure audio format and voices
•Use Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML)
•Generate text translation from speech.
•Synthesize spoken translations.
Speaker Bio: Vivek Sridhar
Vivek is a technophile and an Open-Source contributor with around 17 years of experience in the Software Industry and works at Microsoft as Senior Cloud Advocate. In his previous role, he has mentored startups/developers, speaker at conferences/meetups for DigitalOcean as Senior Developer Advocate, Co-Founder / Chief-Architect of NoodleNext Technology. He was also heading DevOps and QA at BlackBuck and was a DevOps Solution Architect at HCL (Australia) in client engagement. Vivek started his career with IBM Rational (India Software Labs) as a Software Developer.
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