Julia Muiruri
AI を始める準備はできていますか? Microsoft Reactor は、スタートアップ企業、起業家、開発者が AI テクノロジの上に次のビジネスを構築するのに役立つイベント、トレーニング、コミュニティ リソースを提供します。 ご参加ください。
AI を始める準備はできていますか? Microsoft Reactor は、スタートアップ企業、起業家、開発者が AI テクノロジの上に次のビジネスを構築するのに役立つイベント、トレーニング、コミュニティ リソースを提供します。 ご参加ください。
30 1月, 2024 | 6:00 午後 - 6:30 午後 (UTC) 協定世界時
トピック: AI 製品の使用
言語: 英語
Join the Movement of TAWI! 🔊
Encourage youngsters who suffer from Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) by contributing to the goals of Team TAWI. Your engagement is important, whether you're a tech enthusiast, an instructor, or a change agent!
Team TAWI is a group of innovative software developers and data scientists from the United States International University—Africa in Nairobi. We are reshaping education with our mobile app, the "Home-based APD Toolkit." Our groundbreaking solution addresses Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) in school-going children, offering real-time audio recording, noise cancellation, and speech-to-text conversion. We are dedicated to empowering children with APD for seamless integration into the school environment. With AI at the core of our mission, Team TAWI is making a positive impact on education, ensuring a brighter future for children facing communication challenges due to APD.
👉 Follow our path: Please visit the TAWI website for more information about our "home-based APD toolkit." https://tawi-ai.com/
🤝 Join our community devoted to improving communication for kids with APD by following Team TAWI on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/tawi_ke/
🌐 Get the word out: Tell others about our goal and tale. We can positively affect more lives the more people are aware of TAWI.
📧 Reach out to us: Have suggestions or wish to participate? Please contact info@tawi-ai.com. Your assistance is important!
📌 Let's connect:
Syntiche C. Musawu | https://www.linkedin.com/in/syntiche-musawu-a54439227/
Muna Numan | https://www.linkedin.com/in/muna-numan-495a37219/
Julia Muiruri | https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliamuiruri/
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Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub helps startups radically accelerate innovation by providing access to industry-leading AI services, expert guidance, and the essential technology needed to build a future-proofed startup.
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トピック: AI 製品の使用
言語: 英語
トピック: AI 製品の使用
言語: 英語
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