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Microsoft Reactor

Microsoft Reactor に参加し、スタートアップ企業や開発者とライブで関わる

AI を始める準備はできていますか?  Microsoft Reactor は、スタートアップ企業、起業家、開発者が AI テクノロジの上に次のビジネスを構築するのに役立つイベント、トレーニング、コミュニティ リソースを提供します。 ご参加ください。


Microsoft Reactor

Microsoft Reactor に参加し、スタートアップ企業や開発者とライブで関わる

AI を始める準備はできていますか?  Microsoft Reactor は、スタートアップ企業、起業家、開発者が AI テクノロジの上に次のビジネスを構築するのに役立つイベント、トレーニング、コミュニティ リソースを提供します。 ご参加ください。


Exploring Copilot with Power Platform and Dynamics 365 | #MVPConnect

14 2月, 2024 | 11:30 午前 - 12:30 午後 (UTC) 協定世界時

  • 形式:
  • alt##Livestreamライブストリーム

トピック: AI

言語: 英語

This session will be about using Copilot in Power Platform and Dynamics 365 CE apps. I'll cover how you can leverage Copilot to help boost your productivity from a development as well as data review standpoint and make the most of the tools available. This session will also touch upon how you can use get Copilot for your organization and how to deploy the same across areas.

How do you think that a Start-up will be benefited from this session?
As startups have fairly younger generation of developers and analysts, they Copilot helps them ease the learning curve on systems and get the data they need in that point in time and improving productivity.

This session will focus on where Copilot is available across Power Platform and Dynamics 365 and how you can leverage each of those and improve your productivity.

What will the attendees or a Start-up learn from session?
Attendees will learn how Copilot can be leveraged and use in their advantage to speed up productivity. Since it depends on user to user, using Copilot is usually a tailored approach.

Read More - https://aka.ms/CopilotinMicrosoftDataverse

Speaker BIO:
Priyesh Wagh is a Business Applications MVP and has been working with CloudFronts Technologies in Mumbai since 2014. Priyesh's primary skills are in Dynamics 365 CRM apps, Power Platform and Azure.

Social Handle of the speaker:
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/priyesh-wagh-95692686/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/priyesh_wngman7


You need to be acquainted in Power Platform and Dynamics 365 as a Super User, Business User or a Developer.

  • #ReactorBengaluru
  • #PowerPlatform
  • #PowerApps
  • #MicrosoftCopilot


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