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검색, 연결, 성장

Microsoft Reactor

Microsoft Reactor에 가입하고 스타트업 및 개발자와 실시간 소통

AI를 시작할 준비가 되셨나요? Microsoft Reactor는 스타트업, 기업가 및 개발자가 AI 기술에 대한 다음 비즈니스를 구축할 수 있도록 이벤트, 교육 및 커뮤니티 리소스를 제공합니다. 참여해 주세요!


A lap around Entra External ID

26 2월, 2025 | 7:00 오전 - 8:00 오전 (UTC) 협정 세계시

  • 형식:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

항목: 인프라

언어: 영어

Microsoft Entra External ID is a solution designed to manage digital identities for external users such as customers (CIAM), partners (guest users), and consumers.

In this presentation, we will concentrate on the CIAM side.

We will dive into the following key areas:

  • Introduction to Entra External ID: Understand the concept and benefits of using Entra External ID for managing digital identities outside your organization.

  • Some key features: Explore the various features, including support for multiple authentication methods (e.g., email, one-time passcodes, social identity providers), customizable sign-in experiences, and user management capabilities.

  • Use Cases: Discuss some real-world scenarios where Entra External ID can be applied, such as enabling secure access to web and mobile applications, locally and via federation.


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