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Microsoft Reactor

Word lid van Microsoft Reactor en neem live contact op met startups en ontwikkelaars

Klaar om aan de slag te gaan met AI? Microsoft Reactor biedt evenementen, training en community-resources om start-ups, ondernemers en ontwikkelaars te helpen hun volgende bedrijf op basis van AI-technologie uit te bouwen. Doe mee!


Microsoft Reactor

Word lid van Microsoft Reactor en neem live contact op met startups en ontwikkelaars

Klaar om aan de slag te gaan met AI? Microsoft Reactor biedt evenementen, training en community-resources om start-ups, ondernemers en ontwikkelaars te helpen hun volgende bedrijf op basis van AI-technologie uit te bouwen. Doe mee!


Build your own custom copilot with Teams Toolkit | #CopilotChronicles

9 mei, 2024 | 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time

  • Formaat:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Onderwerp: Intelligente toepassingen

Language: Engels

The new Microsoft Teams AI library simplifies the integration of Large Language Models (LLM) into Teams applications, enabling you to build intelligent, conversational apps in the flow of work of your users. Learn how to build conversational apps with Teams Toolkit and explore the full range of capabilities of the AI library to help you build AI-powered apps easily, responsibly, and providing a consistent natural language user experience. Reimagine a new era of intelligent apps in Teams.

What will you learn from this session: Explore the full range of capabilities of the AI library to help you build AI-powered apps easily.

Further Learning:

Speaker Bio: Ayca Bas

Ayca is a Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft specializing in AI and Copilot for Microsoft 365. She previously served as a Premier Field Engineer and is currently based in Dubai.

Social handle of the speaker:

Event Host: Kamal Shree
Kamal is a Developer Advocate at Microsoft. She is a Google Developer Expert, YouTuber (Whatsupcoders) with 12 years of experience in Web Technologies, Android, Flutter, and HarmonyOS. She has worked for multinational firms in India, Netherlands, and the USA. She is also a Mentor and Open-Source Community Builder.

Social Handles of the host:

  • #ReactorBengaluru
  • #TeamsToolkit
  • #ConversationalApps
  • #AIIntegration
  • #IntelligentApps
  • #LLMIntegration
  • #AIResponsibility
  • #UserExperience


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