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Microsoft Reactor

Word lid van Microsoft Reactor en neem live contact op met startups en ontwikkelaars

Klaar om aan de slag te gaan met AI? Microsoft Reactor biedt evenementen, training en community-resources om start-ups, ondernemers en ontwikkelaars te helpen hun volgende bedrijf op basis van AI-technologie uit te bouwen. Doe mee!


Microsoft Reactor

Word lid van Microsoft Reactor en neem live contact op met startups en ontwikkelaars

Klaar om aan de slag te gaan met AI? Microsoft Reactor biedt evenementen, training en community-resources om start-ups, ondernemers en ontwikkelaars te helpen hun volgende bedrijf op basis van AI-technologie uit te bouwen. Doe mee!


Interactive AI Experiences with Azure AI & Copilot Studio | #CopilotChronicles

19 december, 2024 | 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time

  • Formaat:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Onderwerp: AI-producten gebruiken

Language: Engels

Explore the potential of Azure AI and Copilot Studios to create interactive and engaging AI experiences.

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In this presentation, we will explore how to harness the power of Azure AI and Copilot Studio to create interactive and engaging AI experiences. We will delve into the Azure landscape for AI, focusing on the tools and technologies that enable seamless integration and innovation.

Key Topics:
1.Introduction to Azure AI:
-Overview of Azure AI services and their capabilities.
-The role of Azure OpenAI in enhancing interactive experiences.
2.Leveraging Copilot Studio:
-Introduction to Copilot Studio and its features.
-Creating adaptive cards for Copilot to enhance user interaction.
-Connecting multiple connectors in Copilot Studio for a unified experience.
3.Integrating Azure OpenAI and LangChain:
-Using Azure OpenAI Studio and LangChain to develop interactive chat experiences.
-Connecting with SQL data for real-time, data-driven conversations.
-Live demonstration of creating adaptive cards and integrating connectors in Copilot Studio.
-Showcase of a chat application using Azure OpenAI and LangChain to interact with SQL data.
5.Conclusion and Q&A:
-Recap of key points.
-Open floor for questions and interactive discussion.

Event Host: Kamal Shree Soundirapandian
Kamal Shree is a Developer Advocate at Microsoft. She is a Google Developer Expert, YouTuber (Whatsupcoders) with 12 years of experience in Web Technologies, Android, Flutter, and HarmonyOS. She has worked for multinational firms in India, Netherlands, and the USA. She is also a Mentor and Open-Source Community Builder.

Social Handles of the speaker:

Guest Speaker Bio-Senthamil Selvan
Senthamil Selvan is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) specializing in Power Platform, including Power Automate, PowerApps, and Power BI. With over 10 years of experience, he is a Power Platform Consultant based in Singapore. Senthamil is proficient in SharePoint Online development using the SPFx framework, Power Platform development and architecture, and Azure Functions and Web App development. He frequently shares his expertise through YouTube tutorials and technical blogs, focusing on Microsoft 365 development tools and best practices.

Social Handles of the speaker:
Youtube: @msisgreat
X : @altfo
Linked in:

  • #ReactorBengaluru
  • #AzureAIServices
  • #Copilot
  • #Azure
  • #AI
  • #AIPlatform


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