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Microsoft Reactor

Word lid van Microsoft Reactor en neem live contact op met startups en ontwikkelaars

Klaar om aan de slag te gaan met AI? Microsoft Reactor biedt evenementen, training en community-resources om start-ups, ondernemers en ontwikkelaars te helpen hun volgende bedrijf op basis van AI-technologie uit te bouwen. Doe mee!


Microsoft Reactor

Word lid van Microsoft Reactor en neem live contact op met startups en ontwikkelaars

Klaar om aan de slag te gaan met AI? Microsoft Reactor biedt evenementen, training en community-resources om start-ups, ondernemers en ontwikkelaars te helpen hun volgende bedrijf op basis van AI-technologie uit te bouwen. Doe mee!


Python + AI: Quality & Safety

27 maart, 2025 | 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time

  • Formaat:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Onderwerp: Intelligente toepassingen

Language: Engels

In our final session of the Python + AI series, we're culminating with a crucial topic: how to use AI safely, and how to evaluate the quality of AI outputs.

There are multiple mitigation layers when working with LLMs: the model itself, a safety system on top, the prompting and context, and the application user experience. Our focus will be on Azure tools that make it easier to put safe AI systems into production.

We'll show how to configure the Azure AI Content Safety system when working with Azure AI models, and how to handle those errors in Python code. Then we'll use the Azure AI Evaluation SDK to evaluate the safety and quality of the output from our LLM.

Follow-along live, thanks to GitHub Models and GitHub Codespaces.
If you'd like to follow along with the live examples, make sure you've got a GitHub account.

You can also join a weekly office hours to ask any questions that don't get answered in the chat, in our AI Discord.

Check out more resources here


Want to check out this series in Spanish? Register here

  • AI
  • Python


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