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Microsoft Reactor

Word lid van Microsoft Reactor en neem live contact op met startups en ontwikkelaars

Klaar om aan de slag te gaan met AI? Microsoft Reactor biedt evenementen, training en community-resources om start-ups, ondernemers en ontwikkelaars te helpen hun volgende bedrijf op basis van AI-technologie uit te bouwen. Doe mee!


Microsoft Reactor

Word lid van Microsoft Reactor en neem live contact op met startups en ontwikkelaars

Klaar om aan de slag te gaan met AI? Microsoft Reactor biedt evenementen, training en community-resources om start-ups, ondernemers en ontwikkelaars te helpen hun volgende bedrijf op basis van AI-technologie uit te bouwen. Doe mee!


Improve your Personal Branding and find relevant opportunities

11 maart, 2025 | 5:30 a.m. - 6:30 a.m. (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time

  • Formaat:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Onderwerp: Persoonlijke en zakelijke ontwikkeling

Language: Engels

In today’s competitive world, building a strong personal brand is key to unlocking new career and business opportunities.

This session will guide you on crafting a compelling digital presence, leveraging LinkedIn effectively, and positioning yourself as a thought leader in your domain.

Attendees will also learn how to strategically network and showcase their expertise to attract the right opportunities.

The Session Will Focus On:
Practical strategies to build a strong personal brand, enhance your online presence, and leverage platforms like LinkedIn to connect with the right opportunities.

What Will the Attendees Learn from This Session?
How to create a compelling personal brand, optimize their LinkedIn profile, and use storytelling and networking to attract relevant job, speaking, and business opportunities.

Read More -

  • #PersonalDevelopment
  • #MVPConnect
  • #ReactorBengaluru


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