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Model Mondays

Word lid van Microsoft Reactor en neem live contact op met startups en ontwikkelaars

Klaar om aan de slag te gaan met AI? Microsoft Reactor biedt evenementen, training en community-resources om start-ups, ondernemers en ontwikkelaars te helpen hun volgende bedrijf op basis van AI-technologie uit te bouwen. Doe mee!

Model Mondays

Word lid van Microsoft Reactor en neem live contact op met startups en ontwikkelaars

Klaar om aan de slag te gaan met AI? Microsoft Reactor biedt evenementen, training en community-resources om start-ups, ondernemers en ontwikkelaars te helpen hun volgende bedrijf op basis van AI-technologie uit te bouwen. Doe mee!


Model Mondays

  • Formaat:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Onderwerp: Kern-AI

Language: Engels

  • Gebeurtenissen in deze reeks:
  • 2

Building efficient generative AI applications starts with making the right model choice! With 1800+ models in the model catalog, Azure AI Foundry provides the best AI customization options for your needs. But how do you make the right choice? Join us for Model Mondays as we unpack the features & functionality of a model each week – with the experts who know them best.

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Alle tijden in - Coordinated Universal Time





MM 001 – Hands On With GitHub Models

5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (UTC)

Join us for Model Mondays – a weekly show where we round up all the latest AI model news and put one model in the spotlight for a deeper dive. In this kickoff episode, we’ll set the stage for season 1 by talking about the models we’ll spotlight. Then, we’ll do a deep dive into GitHub Models and show you how you can get started with exploring these hands-on today, with just a GitHub account! Session Resources: - Series Repo - Office Hours - Learning Resources

  • Formaat:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Onderwerp: Kern-AI

Language: Engels






MM 002 – Hands on with Reasoning Models (o1 and beyond)

5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (UTC)

Join us for Model Mondays – a weekly show where we round up all the latest AI model news and put one model in the spotlight for a deeper dive. In this episode, we’re joined by Jennifer Marsman as we dive into the world of reasoning models. We’ll get hands-on with the o1 series of models and more as we learn what these models can do, how they work, and how you can use them most effectively for your generative AI application needs. Session Resources:

  • Formaat:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Onderwerp: Kern-AI

Language: Engels



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