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Microsoft Reactor

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Pronto para começar a usar a IA? O Microsoft Reactor fornece eventos, treinamento e recursos da comunidade para ajudar startups, empreendedores e desenvolvedores a criar seus próximos negócios em tecnologia de IA. Junte-se a nós!


Microsoft Reactor

Ingresse no Microsoft Reactor e interaja com startups e desenvolvedores ao vivo

Pronto para começar a usar a IA? O Microsoft Reactor fornece eventos, treinamento e recursos da comunidade para ajudar startups, empreendedores e desenvolvedores a criar seus próximos negócios em tecnologia de IA. Junte-se a nós!


Azure OpenAI: Completion Requests via Postman, Python, C# .NET 7 | #MVPConnect

30 agosto, 2023 | 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM (UTC) Tempo Universal Coordenado UTC

  • Formato:
  • alt##LivestreamTransmissão ao vivo

Tópico: Aplicativos Inteligentes

Linguagem: Inglês

In this session, we will learn how to mark a Completion request using Postman, Import the Postman's Environment and Collection. We will Install OpenAI, requests, and python-dotenv packages.
Create a .env file and update the Environment Variables. Completion Request using Python Notebook. Create a Virtual Environment. Completion Request using Python .py file and Execute the Python Script. Create a .NET 7 Console Application. Add NuGet Packages. Add appsettings.json/secrets.json and update the Environment Variables. Completion Request using C# .NET 7 and execute the C# .NET 7 Console Application.

Trying our own Completion Examples using Postman
Trying our own Completion Examples using Python Notebook
Trying our own Completion Examples using Python
Trying our own Completion Examples using C# .NET 7
What is next?

Speaker BIO- Viswanatha Swamy
He is an aspirant Software Architect and currently, he works at Applied Information Sciences. He is passionate about C#, ASP.NET, Azure, Performance testing/tuning, .NET Core, and Docker. He loves to learn about new technologies.

Social Handle- https://twitter.com/vishipayyallore


6 months of programming experience in either C# / Python.

  • #ReactorBengaluru
  • C#
  • #Azure
  • #AzureOpenAI


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