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Microsoft Reactor

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Microsoft Reactor

Ingresse no Microsoft Reactor e interaja com startups e desenvolvedores ao vivo

Pronto para começar a usar a IA? O Microsoft Reactor fornece eventos, treinamento e recursos da comunidade para ajudar startups, empreendedores e desenvolvedores a criar seus próximos negócios em tecnologia de IA. Junte-se a nós!


Unleashing Safety Solutions for Gen AI with Azure Content Safety | #MVPConnect

10 julho, 2024 | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM (UTC) Tempo Universal Coordenado UTC

  • Formato:
  • alt##LivestreamTransmissão ao vivo

Tópico: Segurança da IA e governança de dados

Linguagem: Inglês

In this session, we explore the capabilities of Azure AI Content Safety, a comprehensive solution designed to identify harmful user-generated and AI-generated content across a range of applications and services. Targeting developers and teams across different industries, this tool employs advanced machine learning models to moderate content, thereby ensuring safety and compliance in digital environments.

Focus: Attendees will gain knowledge about leveraging Azure AI Content Safety for moderating text contents, image contents, monitoring these contents in real time scenarios.

Learn More - https://aka.ms/QuickStart-AzureAIContentSafetyStudio

Take a Challenge - https://aka.ms/WhatisAzureAIContentSafety

Speaker Bio: Janarthanan Selvaraj is a Microsoft MVP AI, MCT, C# Corner MVP with expertise in AI, Machine Learning, Data Science and Microsoft Azure technologies. He is a LinkedIn Top Voice in AI & ML. Currently he is working as Senior Specialist & AI Expert at Eviden.

Social Handle:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janarthananselvaraj/
X: https://x.com/jana_selvaraj
Blog: https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/members/janarthanan-selvaraj

  • #ContentSafety
  • #DigitalSafety
  • #AICompliance
  • #TechSolutions
  • #SafeDigitalEnvironment
  • #MLModels
  • #AzureSolutions
  • #CyberSecurity


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