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Är du redo att komma igång med AI? Microsoft Reactor tillhandahåller evenemang, utbildning och communityresurser som hjälper startups, entreprenörer och utvecklare att bygga sin nästa verksamhet på AI-teknik. Följ med oss!



Gå med i Microsoft Reactor och kommunicera med startups och utvecklare live

Är du redo att komma igång med AI? Microsoft Reactor tillhandahåller evenemang, utbildning och communityresurser som hjälper startups, entreprenörer och utvecklare att bygga sin nästa verksamhet på AI-teknik. Följ med oss!

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Building Your Own Custom Copilot with Azure AI Studio | #CopilotChronicles

26 juni, 2024 | 11:30 fm - 12:30 em (UTC) Samordnad universell tid

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Ämne: Core AI

Språk: Engelska

In this session, you will learn how you can go beyond copilot studio and customize your copilot further with custom models, content filters, grounding of responses with your own data, running evaluations and even modifying the underlying code if required. Unlock the possibilities of Copilot and unleash the potential for your organization.

How do you think that a Start-up will be benefited from this session? – The Startups can get a headstart in building an AI-based application using Azure AI studio and go from development to deployment quickly without writing any code.

What will you learn from session?
The attendees will get familiarized with the capabilities of Azure AI studio and learn how they can build AI applications without writing any code. For more advanced scenarios, they will learn how to use custom models and modify generated Python scripts to further customize their copilot

Further Learning: https://aka.ms/AzureAI-Studio-Doc

Speaker Bio – Ahmad Uzair
Ahmad Uzair is a Microsoft Business Applications MVP, Founder at TechZoetic and the Community Lead at Power Platform User Group UAE, helping businesses in their Digital Transformation journey and empowering individuals in their technical prowess. He believes in giving back to society and fostering the community's growth. He is on a mission to empower 1,000,000+ individuals and 10,000+ businesses and create a positive impact.

Social Handle of the speaker - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ahmad-uzair/

Event Host: Kamal Shree
Kamal is a Developer Advocate at Microsoft. She is a Google Developer Expert, YouTuber (Whatsupcoders) with 12 years of experience in Web Technologies, Android, Flutter, and HarmonyOS. She has worked for multinational firms in India, Netherlands, and the USA. She is also a Mentor and Open-Source Community Builder.

Social Handles of the host:

  • #TechExploration
  • #DataIntegration
  • #TechInnovation
  • #Copilot
  • #InnovateWithAI
  • #AIIntegration
  • #AI
  • #CopilotInteraction


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