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Är du redo att komma igång med AI? Microsoft Reactor tillhandahåller evenemang, utbildning och communityresurser som hjälper startups, entreprenörer och utvecklare att bygga sin nästa verksamhet på AI-teknik. Följ med oss!



Gå med i Microsoft Reactor och kommunicera med startups och utvecklare live

Är du redo att komma igång med AI? Microsoft Reactor tillhandahåller evenemang, utbildning och communityresurser som hjälper startups, entreprenörer och utvecklare att bygga sin nästa verksamhet på AI-teknik. Följ med oss!

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Global AI Bootcamp - Redmond

14 mars, 2025 | 12:00 fm - 3:00 fm (UTC) Samordnad universell tid

Plats: Redmond

Adress: Redmond Reactor 3709 157th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052

  • Format:
  • alt##In personPersonligen (Redmond)

Ämne: Använda AI-produkter

Språk: Engelska

The Global AI Bootcamp is a series of free events organized across the world by local communities that are passionate about artificial intelligence.

The Global AI Bootcamp is an annual event that occurs worldwide, where developers and AI enthusiasts can learn about AI through workshops, sessions, and discussions. This event is an evening of learning about a range of AI topics.

Agenda for the evening:

5:00pm: Registration and welcome

Meet with your peers and grab some food and drinks ready to watch the keynote.

5:15pm: Global AI Bootcamp keynote (pre-recorded)

In this year's keynote, Roelant, Sammy, and Henk from the Global AI Community team up with well-known speakers like Scott Hanselman, Guido van Rossum, Jennifer Marsman, and Sarah Bird to talk about how AI is changing the game for developers. They explain how Python is a big deal in this shift and show off the latest cool stuff happening with AI agents. Throughout their chat, they stress how important it is for developers to pick up AI skills while also thinking about doing things ethically and responsibly. This straightforward discussion gives a clear picture of where AI is today and what it might mean for developers in the future.

5:45pm: Build a Star Wars copilot with Pieces for Developers

Ever wondered how to build your own copilot? In this session Jim will talk you through the basic principles, uncovering some of the secrets of how LLMs work, and how to build your own copilot in C#, including how to make it act like your favorite characters from Star Wars!

6:15pm: Azure AI

Gustavo has some cool things to show off with AI. More details soon.

6:45pm: Agents, Agents, Agents

Agents; Everyone's got em, and now Weaviate does too! Join Jon to explore what happens when you combine an open-source AI-Native vector database, an LLM, and a vectorizer all in one incredible service. I'll cover our three new types of agents that will be included as part of Weaviate's cloud offering.

7:15pm: ChatGPT roulette and networking

Ever wondered what would happen if you take seasoned speakers and give them a deck that was created by ChatGPT that they have never seen before, and make them present it with slides that automatically change every 20 seconds? Now you can find out!

7:50pm: Closing remarks

We'll wrap up the session, and send you all on your way full of inspiration for what you want to build next.


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