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Gå med i Microsoft Reactor och kommunicera med startups och utvecklare live

Är du redo att komma igång med AI? Microsoft Reactor tillhandahåller evenemang, utbildning och communityresurser som hjälper startups, entreprenörer och utvecklare att bygga sin nästa verksamhet på AI-teknik. Följ med oss!

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Revolutionising Work with Copilot Agents | #CopilotChronicles

27 mars, 2025 | 11:30 fm - 12:30 em (UTC) Samordnad universell tid

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Ämne: Använda AI-produkter

Språk: Engelska

Discover how Copilot Agents are transforming the way we work by enhancing productivity, automating routine tasks, and providing intelligent insights. In this session, we will explore the capabilities of Copilot Agents, their impact on business processes, and how they can empower teams to achieve more with less effort.

The session will focus on- Copilot Agents

What will the attendees learn from this session? Attendees will explore the capabilities of Copilot Agents, the range of available agents, and the experiences of agent creators. We will also cover the extensibility of agents and the fundamental components that make up an agent.

Read More- https://aka.ms/CopilotStudioagents


Knowledge about M365 Copilot

  • #Copilotstudio
  • #copilotforsecurity
  • #Agents
  • #ReactorBengaluru
  • #Copilot
  • #Azure
  • #CopilotInteraction


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