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MVP Feature Series: NYC

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Är du redo att komma igång med AI? Microsoft Reactor tillhandahåller evenemang, utbildning och communityresurser som hjälper startups, entreprenörer och utvecklare att bygga sin nästa verksamhet på AI-teknik. Följ med oss!

MVP Feature Series: NYC

Gå med i Microsoft Reactor och kommunicera med startups och utvecklare live

Är du redo att komma igång med AI? Microsoft Reactor tillhandahåller evenemang, utbildning och communityresurser som hjälper startups, entreprenörer och utvecklare att bygga sin nästa verksamhet på AI-teknik. Följ med oss!

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MVP Feature Series: NYC

  • Format:
  • alt##In personPersonligen (New York)

Ämne: Core AI

  • Händelser i den här serien:
  • 2

Calling all developers, founders, and AI entrepreneurs! Join Microsoft Reactor and the Microsoft MVP Award program for a new monthly tech talk series. Each installment of the MVP Feature Series, located at 11 Times Square, will feature two talks by MVPs and an hour of networking with the developer community.

We hope you'll make new connections and learn something new with us the first Tuesday of each month, starting in March 2025!

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MVP Feature Series: NYC - April

10:00 em - 12:30 fm (UTC)

Join Microsoft Reactor and the Microsoft MVP Award program for a new monthly tech talk series. Each installment of the MVP Feature Series, located at 11 Times Square, will feature two talks by MVPs and an hour of networking with the developer community! Session Title: Why M365 product development is different from project development Presenter: Peter Ward While products are designed to meet customers' needs and desires, projects are established to achieve specific goals or objectives. This difference is not widely understood by enterprise or Microsoft partner development teams. This session explains: Why agile is widely used in “product” development environments and less widely used in “project” development environments. When it makes sense to build a product for the Microsoft store. What development teams need to understand when developing a product? -How to define the development scope? How to make a product a commercial success? At the end of the session, attendees will understand that there is a big difference between the business model and decision process in a product versus project development environment.

  • Format:
  • alt##In personPersonligen (New York)

Ämne: Core AI






MVP Feature Series: NYC - May

10:00 em - 12:30 fm (UTC)

Join Microsoft Reactor and the Microsoft MVP Award program for a new monthly tech talk series. Each installment of the MVP Feature Series, located at 11 Times Square, will feature two talks by MVPs and an hour of networking with the developer community! As your development teams work and adopt AI, are they do it with a DevSecOps mindset? Presenter: Mona Ghadiri Learn how to design a secure DevSecOps program for your development teams that allows you to use AI while protecting from “pipeline to prompt”. Transforming network and facility management with Visio and Power BI Presenter: Scott Helmers Power BI reports help you tell great stories by making your organization’s data visible and real. Visio diagrams help you communicate more effectively by providing visual representations of the real world. Too often, however, Power BI reports and Visio diagrams exist in isolation. What if you could combine the data connectivity and visualizations of Power BI with the graphical context of a Visio diagram? In this demo-filled session you’ll see examples that empower facility managers with data-driven floor plans; enhance network infrastructure management with visual inventories of servers, VMs, and apps; and visually illuminate skills in an organization chart. It’s surprisingly easy to do and it can all be accomplished in a web browser, which means you can create this magic on a Mac, a PC, or a tablet.

  • Format:
  • alt##In personPersonligen (New York)

Ämne: Core AI



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