We're going to make a great team

You're on your way to joining thousands of the best game developers on the planet.

The following steps will walk you through the application process to joining ID@Xbox. Ensure you're signed into your organization's account, not a personal account. If you need to switch accounts, or want to change which program you're applying to, you can do it here.

to your Microsoft account

Not started

Sign into your Microsoft account to begin the process. We'll use this account as the primary form of contact throughout the process.

Single account for your studio

Consider creating a new Microsoft account that can be shared across your studio or team. Accounts associated with an individual can lead to access issues later on.

Checkmark icon


Selected program

ID Xbox program image

Direct support


Dev kits

Available at no charge


Concept, certification

Potential endpoints

Xbox, Windows Store, other PC stores, Xbox Game Pass, Streaming

Lock icon


to unlock

Lock icon

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Complete Studio details

Lock icon

My Game Concepts

Sign NDA to unlock

Lock icon

Additional contracts

Submit at least one Game Concept to continue