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Microsoft Reactor

Join Microsoft Reactor and engage with startups and developers live

Ready to get started with AI?  Microsoft Reactor provides events, training, and community resources to help startups, entrepreneurs and developers build their next business on AI technology. Join us!

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Getting Started With Rust: Rust Basics

26 October, 2022 | 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Topic: Coding, Languages, and Frameworks

Language: English

What is this session about?
There is much hype and discussions around Rust. The best way to understand what everyone is talking about is to get hands-on with Rust. In this session we will cover some of the basics of the Rust language and how to setup your first Rust project. After the session, you should feel confident in knowing in having some foundational knowledge of Rust and where to go next in your learning journey.

Why should you attend?
If you are interested in learning Rust but unsure where to start, this session is for you. We will not only cover some of the basics but also point you to the best resource to continue learning. Come with any of your questions about Rust and get answers!

Who Should Attend?
Anyone interested in learning and building with Rust.

Any pre-requisites

Korey Stegared-Pace – Cloud Advocate, Microsoft

Korey has a passion for both educating and inspiring others on what is possible with AI and how they can use it to build a new generation of products. He has mentored and guided startups through both the challenges and successes of working with AI. As a Cloud Advocate in the Microsoft Stockholm Reactor, his main goal is to expand AI literacy, support developers, and grow the AI community in Stockholm and beyond.

Christoffer Noring – Senior Cloud Advocate Lead
Chris is Senior Cloud Advocate with 15+ years in the IT industry as developer and currently works on the NextGen (academic) team at Microsoft. He's also a known speaker and published author in web development and Go/Golang.

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