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Ready to get started with AI?  Microsoft Reactor provides events, training, and community resources to help startups, entrepreneurs and developers build their next business on AI technology. Join us!


Microsoft Reactor

Join Microsoft Reactor and engage with startups and developers live

Ready to get started with AI?  Microsoft Reactor provides events, training, and community resources to help startups, entrepreneurs and developers build their next business on AI technology. Join us!

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Azure ML Developer Experience

23 March, 2023 | 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Topic: Data Science & Machine Learning

Language: English

In this session you will get a solid understanding of the overall on the concept of Training models with Azure Machine Learning (AzureML) CLI, SDK, and REST API by walking through step-by-step examples, leading up to ML model lifecycle management leveraging Azure ML Python SDK V2 so we can help accelerate your AI journey in the cloud.

We will review how we work with ML models in Azure ML Python SDK V2 and then demonstrates how we leverage Azure ML Python SDK V2 to work with ML models in local environment or with ML Studio.

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This event will be recorded and livestreamed on youtube, you can only ask questions via chat.

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