Victor Olet
Ready to get started with AI and the latest technologies? Microsoft Reactor provides events, training, and community resources to help developers, entrepreneurs and startups build on AI technology and more. Join us!
Ready to get started with AI and the latest technologies? Microsoft Reactor provides events, training, and community resources to help developers, entrepreneurs and startups build on AI technology and more. Join us!
23 March, 2023 | 11:00 PM - 12:00 AM (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time
Topic: Coding, Languages, and Frameworks
Language: English
Learn about Visual Studio Code and all the tools it offers you as an IDE. Work with extensions for Python and GitHub and see how it fits into the development cycle and working with your team in the Cloud era. Get yourself set up for future projects in the cohort and brush up on common version control practices.
Your Speaker
Victor Olet - Microsoft Student Ambassador
Victor is a PhD student at Curtin University working in the renewable energy sector, researching the generation of liquid biofuel to replace fossil fuel-derived transport fuels. He enjoys the sciences of chemistry and biology, and also their enhancement through computational techniques.
Victor is also passionate about education, and wants to support the current and next generations by sharing his knowledge and excitement with students through interesting pedagogies, enhanced learning experiences, and great tech tips that give learners a leg up.
The events below may be of interest to you as well. Be sure to visit our Reactor homepage to see all available events.
Topic: Coding, Languages, and Frameworks
Language: English
Topic: Coding, Languages, and Frameworks
Language: English
Topic: Coding, Languages, and Frameworks
Language: English
This event is part of the Reactor Sydney Cohort - Mum's Returning to Tech Series.
Click here to visit the Series Page where you could see all the upcoming and on-demand events.
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