Abril Ureña
Ready to get started with AI and the latest technologies? Microsoft Reactor provides events, training, and community resources to help developers, entrepreneurs and startups build on AI technology and more. Join us!
Ready to get started with AI and the latest technologies? Microsoft Reactor provides events, training, and community resources to help developers, entrepreneurs and startups build on AI technology and more. Join us!
17 October, 2023 | 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time
Topic: Core AI
Language: English
Welcome to the first episode of our series "From Idea to AI." In this episode, we'll dive headfirst into your AI journey, providing the solid foundation necessary for the success of your project.
Join us as we explore the following crucial questions:
Why Choose Microsoft Technologies for Your AI Project? Discover the reasons why Microsoft solutions stand out in the AI landscape and how they can benefit your project.
Initial Planning and Strategy Steps: Learn how to kickstart your AI journey with the right approach, understanding the importance of solid and strategic planning.
How to Set Clear Goals and Objectives: Find out how to establish specific and measurable goals and objectives to effectively steer your AI project.
Tips for Identifying Problems and Opportunities: Explore strategies and techniques for identifying challenges and opportunities that can be addressed with AI solutions.
The events below may be of interest to you as well. Be sure to visit our Reactor homepage to see all available events.
Topic: Core AI
Language: English
Topic: Core AI
Language: English
Topic: Core AI
Language: English
This event is part of the Tips and Tricks to Bring Your AI Idea to Life Series.
Click here to visit the Series Page where you could see all the upcoming and on-demand events.
For questions please contact us at reactor@microsoft.com