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Building Enterprise Tech from Asia | #ScaleUpThursday

19 January, 2024 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Topic: Personal and Business Development

Language: English

It is 2005. Building a company based in this side of the world (and Sri Lanka at that!), giving away all the software freely as open source? That’s crazy. It cannot be done.

WSO2 started in 2005 and is now nearly $90M in ARR with 100% open source software. We’re a leading enterprise middleware technology vendor in API management, integration, and identity and access management. Now we’re also selling Choreo, an internal developer platform built on top of Azure to crack the problem of enterprise software engineering.

In this podcast, WSO2 Founder and CEO Sanjiva Weerawarana talks about what it takes to compete with the best of the best from across the world and win.

This will be followed by a product walkthrough of Choreo by WSO2 VP and Deputy CTO Nuwan Dias.

How do you think that a Start-up will benefit from this session?
Gain insights into the journey of building a successful enterprise technology company from a startup in Southeast Asia. The session will focus on the entrepreneurial journey of WSO2.

What will the attendees or a Start-up learn from the session?
-Strategies and lessons on how to build a successful global enterprise technology company in Southeast Asia.
-Key factors and challenges involved in competing on a global scale and achieving significant annual recurring revenue.

Guest Speaker BIO:
Sanjiva Weerawarana is the Founder and CEO of WSO2. With a background in IBM Research, he co-authored key Web services standards. Sanjiva's commitment to open source led him to establish the Lanka Software Foundation and contribute to Apache projects. He's also an educator and an influential advocate for open source participation from developing nations. His journey is one of innovation and leadership in reshaping the software industry.

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Guest Speaker BIO:
Nuwan Dias is the VP and Deputy CTO of API Management and Integration at WSO2. He is the product lead of Choreo. He is an API enthusiast and specializes in cloud native application development and API security. Nuwan is the author of Microservices Security in Action.

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Host BIO:
Vivek Sridhar is a technophile and an Open Source contributor with around 17+ years of experience in the Software Industry and works at Microsoft as CTO - Microsoft for Startups. In his previous role, he mentored startups/developers and was a speaker at conferences for DigitalOcean as a Senior Developer Advocate and co-founder / chief architect of NoodleNext Technology. He was also heading DevOps at BlackBuck and was a DevOps solution architect at HCL (Australia) in client engagement. Vivek started his career with IBM Rational (India Software Labs) as a Software Developer.

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