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Introduction to Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure Container Apps

18 January, 2024 | 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Language: English

Learn fundamentals for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and Azure Container Apps (ACA) and how they compare across networking, security, operations and reliability. This session is designed to help you understand how to evaluate an Azure container solution for your workload and requirements.


  1. Introduction to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

    • Kubernetes fundamentals and Azure specific capabilities
  2. Introduction to Azure Container Apps (ACA)

    • Concepts, fundamentals and Azure-managed capabilities
  3. AKS and ACA compared

    • Hosting models and target audiences for each service
    • Configurability of compute infrastructure
    • Networking capabilities, including out of the box features and private networking integration
    • Integration with Azure Key Vault, Managed Identities, Defender for Cloud, etc.
    • Deployment strategies and developer workflows
    • Operations models and monitoring strategies
  4. Question and Answer (Q&A)

    • Ask questions to FastTrack engineers from the Azure Customer Experience (CXP) Engineering.

N.B. This session will mention various Azure container solutions, e.g. Azure Container Instance in comparison. The focus, however remains on ACA and AKS.

Learning Objectives
In this session, you will learn how to:

  • Overview of Azure container solutions
  • Azure Kubernetes Service incl. Kubernetes fundamentals
  • Azure Container Apps - core concepts and fundamentals

Basic understanding of Azure as a platform

Intended Audience
This is a level 100-200 session and ideal for technical decision makers, architects, and (full-stack) engineers.

This session is hosted by Azure Customer Experience (CXP) engineers from FastTrack for Azure, a program that helps customers as they plan, design, build, deploy and run their workloads on Azure. Visit FTA Cloud Native website for more information and lists of all cloud native webinars and Ask Microsoft Anything (AMA)s.

#fasttrack-azure This event is not recorded so feel free to come off mute and ask questions directly to the engineers. Check out more FastTrack events

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