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POSETTE: An Event for Postgres 2024 - Livestream 4

13 June, 2024 | 6:00 AM - 11:30 AM (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Topic: Modern Data and Analytics

Language: English

POSETTE: An Event for Postgres (pronounced /Pō-zet/, and formerly called Citus Con) is a free and virtual developer event. The name POSETTE stands for Postgres Open Source Ecosystem Talks Training & Education. Happening on Jun 11-13, 2024, join us for 4 unique livestreams to hear from open source users, and experts in PostgreSQL and Citus. Come learn what you can do with the world’s most advanced open source relational database—from the nerdy to the sublime.

Come chat with POSETTE speakers & other community members on the #posetteconf channel in the Microsoft Open Source Discord before, during, and after the event.

Learn more at

Livestream 4 Agenda

Time Topic Speaker
8:00 AM CEST A Walking Tour of PostgreSQL Thomas Munro
8:30 AM CEST Partitioning your Postgres tables for 20X better performance Derk van Veen
9:00 AM CEST Where do the performance cliffs come from? Tomas Vondra
9:30 AM CEST Hazards of logical decoding in PostgreSQL Polina Bungina
10:00 AM CEST PostgreSQL performance tips you have never seen before V2.0 Hans-Jürgen Schönig
10:30 AM CEST Autotuning PostgreSQL on Azure Flexible Server Luigi Nardi
11:00 AM CEST You Don't Need a Database Backup Policy Karen Jex
11:30 AM CEST Advancing Drug Search with PostgreSQL and Azure AI Taras Kloba
12:00 PM CEST Vindicating ZFS with PostgreSQL: Unleashing the Power of Scalability Federico Campoli
12:30 PM CEST Semantic search with Django, PostgreSQL, & pgvector Paolo Melchiorre
1:00 PM CEST Livestream 4 Wrap Up
  • open source
  • Databases
  • Postgres


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