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Microsoft Reactor

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Using Azure AI Document Intelligence to Accelerate Data Ingestion and Extraction

8 April, 2024 | 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Topic: Core AI

Language: English

About this session:
Learn how Azure AI Document Intelligence can be used to automate the extraction of data from forms, documents, and images. In this session, we will discuss the service, how it works on both pre-defined document types as well as your own custom types, and how it can be integrated into a larger ingestion workflow, to help reduce the time and effort to get data from your users into your backend systems.

Who is it aimed at?
Developers, data engineers, and business users

Why should I attend?
If you work with processes where data is received from customers and end users in paper forms, scans, or other non-digital formats, and you struggle with getting data from there into your backend systems, this session can give you insights on how to modernize this workflow.

Learn more about Azure AI Document Intelligence with these ressources:


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