Rande Rodrigues
Ready to get started with AI and the latest technologies? Microsoft Reactor provides events, training, and community resources to help developers, entrepreneurs and startups build on AI technology and more. Join us!
Ready to get started with AI and the latest technologies? Microsoft Reactor provides events, training, and community resources to help developers, entrepreneurs and startups build on AI technology and more. Join us!
10 September, 2024 | 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time
Topic: Core AI
Language: Portuguese
Nesta curta sessão, nossos especialistas da comunidade e MVP compartilharão mais sobre o que esperar do Microsoft AI Tour AI e falarão sobre os tópicos que serão discutidos no evento.
Não pode comparecer ao AI Tour? Sem problemas, queremos que você faça parte da comunidade e continue aprendendo e desenvolvendo suas habilidades usando IA, então junte-se a nós!
Rande Rodrigues
Technical Architech na Microsoft
Renata Assad
Modern Work GTM Manager na Microsoft
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Explorar novos caminhos com IA
The events below may be of interest to you as well. Be sure to visit our Reactor homepage to see all available events.
Format: Livestream
Topic: Core AI
Language: Portuguese
This event is part of the AI Tour sneak peek Latam (Pt y Es) Series.
Click here to visit the Series Page where you could see all the upcoming and on-demand events.
For questions please contact us at reactor@microsoft.com