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Architecture Recipes for AI-Powered Applications

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Ready to get started with AI and the latest technologies? Microsoft Reactor provides events, training, and community resources to help developers, entrepreneurs and startups build on AI technology and more. Join us!

Architecture Recipes for AI-Powered Applications

Join Microsoft Reactor and engage with developers, entrepreneurs, and startups live

Ready to get started with AI and the latest technologies? Microsoft Reactor provides events, training, and community resources to help developers, entrepreneurs and startups build on AI technology and more. Join us!

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Architecture Recipes for AI-Powered Applications

  • Format:
  • alt##In personIn person (Multiple locations)
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Topic: Intelligent Applications, Core AI

Language: English, Portuguese, Chinese Simplified, Spanish

  • Events in this Series:
  • 9

Build intelligent apps live in person at a Reactor near you! Join us for a hands-on workshop where, through practical examples and best practices, you’ll learn how to integrate machine learning models, data pipelines, and cloud services to create robust architectures. Click "details" below to learn more and register for an in person workshop.

Part of the Build Intelligent Apps initiative; check out previous installments of the series and on-demand content here.

Upcoming Events

Click on an event below to learn more and register for individual events.

All times in - Coordinated Universal Time





São Paulo | Receitas de arquitetura para aplicativos alimentados por IA

9:00 PM - 11:30 PM (UTC)

Junte-se a nós pessoalmente no Reactor São Paulo para criar aplicativos com tecnologia de IA! À medida que a IA se torna parte integrante do desenvolvimento de aplicativos, muitos lutam para criar sistemas inteligentes e escaláveis. Este workshop simplifica os principais conceitos de arquitetura de IA e oferece estratégias comprovadas para os principais casos de uso. Por meio de exemplos práticos e práticas recomendadas, você aprenderá a integrar modelos de aprendizado de máquina, pipelines de dados e serviços de nuvem para criar arquiteturas robustas. Esta sessão presencial ajudará você a: Entender os fundamentos das arquiteturas de aplicativos com tecnologia de IA Aprender a projetar sistemas de IA escaláveis ​​e eficientes Descubra receitas de arquitetura para os principais casos de uso de IA Acesse exemplos práticos e práticas recomendadas para criar aplicativos de IA Libere todo o potencial da IA ​​em seus projetos e fique à frente no cenário tecnológico em rápida evolução. O que são os contêineres de IA do Azure?

  • Format:
  • alt##In personIn person (Sao Paulo)

Topic: Intelligent Applications






Virtual | Recetas de arquitectura para aplicaciones impulsadas por IA

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (UTC)

¡Aprenda a crear aplicaciones basadas en IA! A medida que la IA se vuelve parte integral del desarrollo de aplicaciones, muchos tienen dificultades para crear sistemas escalables e inteligentes. Este taller simplifica los conceptos clave de la arquitectura de IA y ofrece estrategias comprobadas para los principales casos de uso. A través de ejemplos prácticos y mejores prácticas, aprenderá a integrar modelos de aprendizaje automático, canales de datos y servicios en la nube para crear arquitecturas sólidas. Esta sesión virtual lo ayudará a: Comprender los fundamentos de las arquitecturas de aplicaciones basadas en IA Aprender a diseñar sistemas de IA escalables y eficientes Descubrir recetas de arquitectura para los principales casos de uso de IA Acceder a ejemplos prácticos y mejores prácticas para crear aplicaciones de IA Desbloquear todo el potencial de la IA en sus proyectos y mantenerse por delante en el panorama tecnológico en rápida evolución.

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Topic: Intelligent Applications

Language: Spanish






Redmond | Architecture Recipes for AI-Powered Applications

12:30 AM - 3:00 AM (UTC)

Join us in person at the Redmond Reactor to build AI-powered applications! As AI becomes integral to app development, many struggle with building scalable, intelligent systems. This workshop simplifies key AI architecture concepts and offers proven strategies for top use cases. Through practical examples and best practices, you’ll learn how to integrate machine learning models, data pipelines, and cloud services to create robust architectures. This in-person session will help you: Understand the fundamentals of AI-powered application architectures Learn to design scalable and efficient AI systems Discover architecture recipes for top AI use cases Access practical examples and best practices for building AI applications Unlock the full potential of AI in your projects and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

  • Format:
  • alt##In personIn person (Redmond)

Topic: Intelligent Applications






Sydney | Architecture Recipes for AI-Powered Applications

6:00 AM - 9:00 AM (UTC)

Join us in person at the Sydney Reactor to build AI-powered applications! As AI becomes integral to app development, many struggle with building scalable, intelligent systems. This workshop simplifies key AI architecture concepts and offers proven strategies for top use cases. Through practical examples and best practices, you’ll learn how to integrate machine learning models, data pipelines, and cloud services to create robust architectures. This in-person session will help you: Understand the fundamentals of AI-powered application architectures Learn to design scalable and efficient AI systems Discover architecture recipes for top AI use cases Access practical examples and best practices for building AI applications Unlock the full potential of AI in your projects and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

  • Format:
  • alt##In personIn person (Sydney)

Topic: Intelligent Applications






上海 | 构建AI驱动应用的架构实践

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (UTC)

欢迎加入我们,我们将一起构建 AI 驱动的应用程序!随着 AI 逐渐成为应用开发的核心,许多开发者在构建可扩展的智能系统时面临挑战。本次工作坊将以简化关键的 AI 架构概念,并提供针对热门应用场景的实用策略。通过实际案例和最佳实践,您将学习如何集成机器学习模型、数据管道和云服务,以创建稳健的架构。 本次线下活动将帮助您: • 掌握 AI 驱动应用程序架构的基础知识 • 学习如何设计可扩展且高效的 AI 系统 • 探索热门 AI 用例的架构方案 • 获取构建 AI 应用程序的实际案例和最佳实践 • 充分挖掘 AI 在项目中的潜力,在快速发展的技术领域中保持领先

  • Format:
  • alt##In personIn person (Shanghai)

Topic: Core AI






London | Architecture Recipes for AI-Powered Applications

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (UTC)

Join us in person at the London Reactor to build AI-powered applications! As AI becomes integral to app development, many struggle with building scalable, intelligent systems. This workshop simplifies key AI architecture concepts and offers proven strategies for top use cases. Through practical examples and best practices, you’ll learn how to integrate machine learning models, data pipelines, and cloud services to create robust architectures. This in-person session will help you: Understand the fundamentals of AI-powered application architectures Learn to design scalable and efficient AI systems Discover architecture recipes for top AI use cases Access practical examples and best practices for building AI applications Unlock the full potential of AI in your projects and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

  • Format:
  • alt##In personIn person (London)

Topic: Intelligent Applications






Toronto Azure Community Meetup - March

9:00 PM - 12:00 AM (UTC)

Presentation #1: Toronto | Architecture Recipes for AI-Powered Applications Join us in person at the Toronto Reactor to build AI-powered applications! As AI becomes integral to app development, many struggle with building scalable, intelligent systems. This workshop simplifies key AI architecture concepts and offers proven strategies for top use cases. Through practical examples and best practices, you’ll learn how to integrate machine learning models, data pipelines, and cloud services to create robust architectures. This in-person session will help you: Understand the fundamentals of AI-powered application architectures Learn to design scalable and efficient AI systems Discover architecture recipes for top AI use cases Access practical examples and best practices for building AI applications Unlock the full potential of AI in your projects and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape. Pre Requisites There will be a hands-on portion to this event; to participate please bring your own laptop. To follow this tutorial, ensure you have the following: A GitHub account An Azure Subscription that supports the GPU-enabled Standard_NC12s_v3 instance type in the selected region. You might need to request an increase in vCPU quota. Basic understanding of Azure Container Apps and AI Presentation #2: Azure IoT Operations: The Ultimate Edge Device Whisperer Recently, Microsoft introduced a new member to the Azure IoT family: Azure IoT Operations. It is designed with the latest IoT standards, like MQTT, OPC-UA, and better cloud integration. In this session, attendees learn the currently available features of Azure IoT Operations and how these integrate both on the factory floor and in the cloud. They also see a comparison with Azure IoT Edge and learn about the pros and cons of the new solution. After this session, attendees know the value of the current Azure IoT Operations features and how to start if they want to test this edge solution themselves.

  • Format:
  • alt##In personIn person (Toronto)

Topic: Intelligent Applications






NYC | Architecture Recipes for AI-Powered Applications

10:00 PM - 12:30 AM (UTC)

Join us in person at the NY Reactor to build AI-powered applications! As AI becomes integral to app development, many struggle with building scalable, intelligent systems. This workshop simplifies key AI architecture concepts and offers proven strategies for top use cases. Through practical examples and best practices, you’ll learn how to integrate machine learning models, data pipelines, and cloud services to create robust architectures. This in-person session will help you: Understand the fundamentals of AI-powered application architectures Learn to design scalable and efficient AI systems Discover architecture recipes for top AI use cases Access practical examples and best practices for building AI applications Unlock the full potential of AI in your projects and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

  • Format:
  • alt##In personIn person (New York)

Topic: Intelligent Applications






Bengaluru | Architecture Recipes for AI-Powered Applications

10:30 AM - 1:00 PM (UTC)

Join us in person at the Bengaluru Reactor to build AI-powered applications! As AI becomes integral to app development, many struggle with building scalable, intelligent systems. This workshop simplifies key AI architecture concepts and offers proven strategies for top use cases. Through practical examples and best practices, you’ll learn how to integrate machine learning models, data pipelines, and cloud services to create robust architectures. This in-person session will help you: Understand the fundamentals of AI-powered application architectures Learn to design scalable and efficient AI systems Discover architecture recipes for top AI use cases Access practical examples and best practices for building AI applications Unlock the full potential of AI in your projects and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

  • Format:
  • alt##In personIn person (Bengaluru)

Topic: Intelligent Applications



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