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Reaktor Microsoft

Bergabunglah dengan Microsoft Reactor dan terlibat dengan startup dan pengembang secara langsung

Siap untuk mulai menggunakan AI? Microsoft Reactor menyediakan acara, pelatihan, dan sumber daya komunitas untuk membantu startup, wirausahawan, dan pengembang membangun bisnis mereka berikutnya pada teknologi AI. Bergabunglah dengan kami!


Reaktor Microsoft

Bergabunglah dengan Microsoft Reactor dan terlibat dengan startup dan pengembang secara langsung

Siap untuk mulai menggunakan AI? Microsoft Reactor menyediakan acara, pelatihan, dan sumber daya komunitas untuk membantu startup, wirausahawan, dan pengembang membangun bisnis mereka berikutnya pada teknologi AI. Bergabunglah dengan kami!


Build Skills :Hands on – build a diabetic retinopathy detector with Power Apps

13 April, 2022 | 11.00 PM - 12.00 AM (UTC) Waktu Universal Terkoordinasi

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamStreaming Langsung

Topik: Rendah/Tanpa Kode

Bahasa: Inggris

Introducing Build Skills, the new Microsoft Reactor series to help you learn valuable tech skills and discover new career paths. This series of livestream workshops (and available on-demand after) covers foundational skills in coding, data science, web development, devops, and so much more. Taught by Microsoft engineers, students, and community leaders, this is the place to learn by doing, follow at your own pace in a fun and relaxed atmosphere, and get your questions answered. Join us today and get the skills you need today for the job roles of tomorrow!

Jim is a Type 1 diabetic, so he must consider multiple aspects of this health. One of which is his eyes. Diabetic retinopathy is a diabetes complication that affects eyes, which might cause no symptoms or only mild vision problems at first. But it can lead to blindness. Careful management of diabetes is the best way to prevent vision loss.
Doctors detect this by dilating the patients' pupils and photographing their retina. This is a manual process but is one that can be automated with the help of AI image models!

In this hands-on workshop, Jim will build an app that can detect diabetic retinopathy, using Azure Custom Vision and Power Apps. You can follow along at: https://aka.ms/CustomVisionwithPowerApps

Useful Event Resources:

Jim Bennett, Regional Cloud Advocate, Microsoft
Jim is a Regional Cloud Advocate focusing on building out and skilling communities in the Pacific North West, with a focus on the Microsoft Reactor in Redmond, Washington. He’s British, so sounds way smarter than he actually is, and is happy he moved to Redmond in time to be locked down at home and not see the office he came to work in, or the places he wanted to visit. In the past he’s lived in 4 continents working as a developer in the mobile, desktop, and scientific space. He's spoken at conferences and events all around the globe, organized meetup groups and communities, and written a book on mobile development.
He also hates and is allergic to cats, but has a 9-year-old daughter who loves cats, so he has 2 cats.


Untuk pertanyaan, silakan hubungi kami di reactor@microsoft.com