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Reaktor Microsoft

Bergabunglah dengan Microsoft Reactor dan terlibat dengan startup dan pengembang secara langsung

Siap untuk mulai menggunakan AI? Microsoft Reactor menyediakan acara, pelatihan, dan sumber daya komunitas untuk membantu startup, wirausahawan, dan pengembang membangun bisnis mereka berikutnya pada teknologi AI. Bergabunglah dengan kami!


Reaktor Microsoft

Bergabunglah dengan Microsoft Reactor dan terlibat dengan startup dan pengembang secara langsung

Siap untuk mulai menggunakan AI? Microsoft Reactor menyediakan acara, pelatihan, dan sumber daya komunitas untuk membantu startup, wirausahawan, dan pengembang membangun bisnis mereka berikutnya pada teknologi AI. Bergabunglah dengan kami!


Use Azure OpenAI in Power Platform via Custom Connector, REST API | #MVPConnect"

18 Juni, 2024 | 11.30 AM - 12.30 PM (UTC) Waktu Universal Terkoordinasi

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamStreaming Langsung

Topik: Rendah/Tanpa Kode

Bahasa: Inggris

This session will cover the following agenda:

  1. Introduction to Azure OpenAI
  2. Types or Generative AI models
  3. Create Azure OpenAI resource and fetch endpoint and key of the deployed model in Azure OpenAI service
  4. Build a custom connector to consume this REST API
  5. Integrate custom connector in PowerApps or Power Automate

Read More - https://aka.ms/GenerativeAI-solutions-AzureOpenAI

How do you think that a Start-up will be benefited from this session?
Start-ups or ISVs will get a detailed information about Azure OpenAI it's models and how can these models be integrated in their existing solutions using API's.

The session will focus on:
Detailed walkthrough of Azure OpenAI and it's integration. For this session, integrating it with Power Platform using Azure OpenAI API endpoint.

What will the attendees or a Start-up learn from session?

  • Access and leverage Azure OpenAI resource
  • Create deployment using models like gpt-3 etc
  • Explore different types of Azure OpenAI models like Assistants, completion, chat and DALL-E
  • Explore playground
  • What are content filters
  • Integration models using API endpoint and key
  • Creating custom connector to wrap the API
  • Integration of custom connector with PowerApps or Power Automate

Speaker BIO - Shrushti Shah
Microsoft MVP | Microsoft certified Professional and Consultant at Rapid Circle.

LinkedIn handle - https://www.linkedin.com/in/shrushti-shah-bba565162


Basic knowledge about Azure and provisioning Azure AI services or creating and deploying AI models. Basic understanding about Power Platform and the built in connectors which are used either in Power Automate or PowerApps.

  • #MVPConnect
  • #ReactorBengaluru
  • #PowerPlatform
  • #PowerApps
  • #Azure
  • #AzureOpenAI


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