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Reaktor Microsoft

Bergabunglah dengan Microsoft Reactor dan terlibat dengan startup dan pengembang secara langsung

Siap untuk mulai menggunakan AI? Microsoft Reactor menyediakan acara, pelatihan, dan sumber daya komunitas untuk membantu startup, wirausahawan, dan pengembang membangun bisnis mereka berikutnya pada teknologi AI. Bergabunglah dengan kami!


Reaktor Microsoft

Bergabunglah dengan Microsoft Reactor dan terlibat dengan startup dan pengembang secara langsung

Siap untuk mulai menggunakan AI? Microsoft Reactor menyediakan acara, pelatihan, dan sumber daya komunitas untuk membantu startup, wirausahawan, dan pengembang membangun bisnis mereka berikutnya pada teknologi AI. Bergabunglah dengan kami!


Enhancing Industrial Operations with Azure IoT Operations and Azure Open AI

17 Maret, 2025 | 10.30 AM - 11.30 AM (UTC) Waktu Universal Terkoordinasi

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamStreaming Langsung

Topik: Core AI

Bahasa: Inggris

An innovative smart assistant tailored for industrial applications is designed to enhance operational efficiency at Contoso Motors. This solution leverages advanced Generative AI technology to interact with factory workers using natural language, making it intuitive and user-friendly. The core aim is to streamline decision-making processes and reduce downtime by providing immediate access to critical information and operational insights.

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The session will focus on leveraging advanced Generative AI to interact with factory workers, enhancing operational efficiency and streamlining decision-making processes.

What will the attendees learn from this session?
Attendees will gain insights into how advanced Generative AI can improve operational efficiency by interacting with factory workers, reduce downtime through immediate access to critical information, and streamline decision-making processes. They'll also learn practical applications and best practices for implementing AI-driven solutions in industrial settings.

Speaker Bio - Saravanan Ganesan
I'm Saravanan Ganesan, a Microsoft MVP in AI & IoT with over 11 years of experience in IT. I've architected and built numerous solutions using Azure AI and Azure IoT services and have extensive experience handling complex AI and IoT projects. I am also a community lead for C# Corner, Azure Developer Community, and Global AI Chennai.

Social Handle of the speaker -https://www.linkedin.com/in/saravanan-ganesan-23705a47/

  • #MVPConnect
  • #ReactorBengaluru
  • #AzureAIServices
  • #AzureSolutions
  • #Azurefunctions
  • #OpenAI
  • #Azure
  • #AzureOpenAI


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