

Microsoft Reactor

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是否准备好开始使用 AI?  Microsoft Reactor 提供活动、培训和社区资源,以帮助初创公司、企业家和开发人员利用 AI 技术打造新业务。 快加入我们吧!


Microsoft Reactor

加入 Microsoft Reactor 并实时与初创公司和开发人员互动

是否准备好开始使用 AI?  Microsoft Reactor 提供活动、培训和社区资源,以帮助初创公司、企业家和开发人员利用 AI 技术打造新业务。 快加入我们吧!

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GoL Clinics for Data : Introduction to Azure Synapse Analytics

1 December, 2022 | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (UTC) 协调世界时

  • Format:
  • alt##Livestream直播

Topic: 数据科学和机器学习

Language: 英语

The Game of Learners Clinics for Data is a 5-week skilling initiative, which aims to help you learn and gain technical skills on how to work with data in the cloud. During the five weeks we'll have weekly livestream sessions through Microsoft Reactors, the livestreams will provide you with the chance to have your questions answered. We will also showcase interactive end-to-end demos to provide you with a deeper understanding of how the different data solutions are built on the cloud. By the end of this track, you will be equipped with skills on data exploration, building and maintaining secure and compliant data processing pipelines using different tools and techniques using various Azure data services.

About this session :

This will be a hands-on workshop where you will learn how to analyze information used to optimize a Data warehouse in Azure Synapse Analytics.

Participate in the Cloud Skills Challenge at https://aka.ms/dataclinics/csc complete the learn modules to help you prepare for the Azure Data Fundamentals Certification Exam that is part of this program. Also join the community on GitHub at https://aka.ms/dataclinics/forum for program updates, feedback and to receive support on any issue pertaining to this program or to Data Engineering and Analytics.

Target Audience :

Data Engineers, Data Enthusiasts, Individuals preparing for the data certification exam and individuals who would like to learn how to work with data on the cloud.


Josh Ndemenge
Cloud Advocate


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