Jay Gordon
Ready to get started with AI and the latest technologies? Microsoft Reactor provides events, training, and community resources to help developers, entrepreneurs and startups build on AI technology and more. Join us!
Ready to get started with AI and the latest technologies? Microsoft Reactor provides events, training, and community resources to help developers, entrepreneurs and startups build on AI technology and more. Join us!
8 August, 2023 | 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time
Topic: Coding, Languages, and Frameworks
Language: English
There are many applications for the Cosmos DB Property Graph model, from business intelligence analytics to combating fraud. Thinking about the data model as a graph and storing and querying it in that format can be very powerful but at the end of the day, a human has to be in the loop to make decisions based on this data. Often, but not always, this comes down to visualization, but frequently, not enough attention is paid to the user experience when looking at large volumes of graph data. Simply plotting a bunch of nodes and links on the screen is more likely to be confusing than enlightening, especially to someone unfamiliar with the graph model. In this talk, I’ll discuss:What types of applications benefit from a visual front end of the graph
• When creating a front end for exploring the graph, what techniques should be avoided
• Overwhelming the user with too much data
• Trying to many properties of the graph data in the visualization
• Labeling everything with too much text
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Topic: Coding, Languages, and Frameworks
Language: English
Topic: Coding, Languages, and Frameworks
Language: English
Topic: Coding, Languages, and Frameworks
Language: English
This event is part of the Azure Cosmos DB Series.
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