Office UI Fabric JS
Microsoft no longer supports this content and will not be responding to bugs or issues. We recommend using the newer version Office UIĀ Fabric React as your front-end framework.


With a Link, users can navigate to another page, window, or Help topic; display a definition; initiate a command; or choose an option. A Link indicates that it can be clicked, typically by being displayed using the visited or unvisited link system colors. Traditionally, Links are underlined as well, but that approach is often unnecessary and falling out of favor to reduce visual clutter.

A Link is the lightest weight clickable control, and is often used to reduce the visual complexity of a design.

Using this Component

  1. Confirm that you have references to Fabric's CSS on your page:

    			<link rel="stylesheet" href="fabric.min.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="fabric.components.min.css" />
  2. Copy the HTML from one of the samples below into your page. For example:

    <a class="ms-Link" href="#" title="More info about Example Link">Example Link</a> 
  3. Replace the sample HTML content with your content.


Default Link
<a class="ms-Link" href="#" title="More info about Example Link">Example Link</a>