Licensing Office in own virtualized environment
Hello, We have a customer who is managing his own hardware on-premises with their VDI Infrastructure. The hardware is properly licensed with Windows Server Datacenter. They have Windows CALs and RDS CALs for users. The virtualization is made using Citrix…
Structured Outputs AI Foundry - Mistral and other non-OpenAI models
Issue I cannot use Structured Outputs (,dotnet-entra-id&pivots=programming-language-python) with models deployed in AI Foundry that are not…
Purview - eDiscovery Content Search failing with CS019-001 on 03/26/2025 both through Powershell and UI.. If worked
I run Content Searches daily on email and have had success until 3/25 when searches began to consistently fail. We are hybrid Exchange and Office356. My PowerShell script returns this error: Write-ErrorMessage :…
Azure Virtual Machine vcpu and memory configuration error.
Due to my computational needs, I need to create a virtual machine with 64 vcpus and more than 256 GiB of memory. However, these configurations are not available, and an error message stating "64 vCPUs are needed for this configuration, but only 10…
SQL Query with group by and update
Hi, I have temp table that has data like this: DECLARE @tmp1 TABLE ( Amount money, sip varchar(12), ShortName varchar(20), Fund varchar(8), SettleDate varchar(50), TrnType varchar(12), SecDesc varchar(100), Par decimal(14,0), Price…
Why are Substack features not working after most recent Edge update?
I use the Edge browser on my Macbook Air and after the most recent Edge update, some features on the Substack website don't work properly. The Reading Queue (thumbnails of recent articles) has stopped appearing across the top of the page. I can clear…
access denied in azure after to converting to Azure role-based access control (RBAC)
Hello everyone, I am writing to you because a few days ago I received the email with the following subject: "Convert to Azure role-based access control (RBAC) " "Azure classic administrator roles were retired on 31 August 2024 and are no…
InvoiceDate value in v4.0 is less accurate compared to v3.1
Hello, In some cases, the InvoiceDate value is less accurate in v4.0 than it was in v3.1 (or even 2024-07-31 Preview) Result in v4.0: Result in v3.1: Thank you for your help!
How to fix if the endpoint of traffic manager show degraded?
How to fix if the endpoint of traffic manager show degraded?
Universal Print jobs get stuck in a "pending" state.
We have several C300i Konicas set up for Universal Print, using the native Konica UP app. ~Once a week we have to restart a Bizhub to get the print jobs flowing from UP. The Admin console shows Upload time, so it looks like the jobs are stuck at MS, but…
Error while deploying - The resource write operation failed to complete successfully, because it reached terminal provisioning state 'Failed'
Hello team. I get the error below when I deploy Azure Sql Managed Instance database to azure: I had referred this link - …
How to fix if the endpoint of traffic manager show degraded?
How to fix if the endpoint of traffic manager show degraded?
How to Uninstall Some of the Wasm-Tools in a Blazor WASM app
In order to solve a publish problem in my self-contained Blazor WASM app that I will eventually need to publish using AOT, I ran dotnet workload install wasm-tools from the command line. That fixed my problem, but 32 additional packages showed up in my…
Deployment issue with Azure App Consumption Plan: "Requested features 'Dynamic SKU, Linux Worker' not available in resource group Integraciones_LLAB. Please try using a different resource group or create a new one."
I get this error while trying to deploy Azure App Consumption Plan "Requested features 'Dynamic SKU, Linux Worker' not available in resource group Integraciones_LLAB. Please try using a different resource group or create a new one." All…
Azure is unable to validate my phone number
When I try to login to my account and use azure credits , it asks me to sign up but when i try to signup , it is not able to validate my phone number . Tried multiple times with different comnbinations .
I cannot use the Azure ML API (Serverless Endpoint)
When I hoped to build a client like the following image, (I was using a build serverless Azure ML API, and the url and the key was right), I found a bug reported like HttpResponseError: Operation returned an invalid status 'Forbidden' Content: RBAC:…
Universal print printing job stuck pending but a restart of printer gets them printed
Hello- we have a new Brother MFC-L5915DW which supports Universal Print. The machine works fine; however, when a user send multiple jobs to it, sometimes they get stuck in 'pending' status and will not print unless we restart the printer. Is there a…

Is it possible to change certificate on Azure SQL Server?
Hello, Here is the certificate issued by Microsoft for one of our SQL Server in the Azure cloud. I used the Qualys SSL Server Test for it. My question is, is it possible to change this certificate issued by Microsoft Azure RSA TLS Issuing CA 07 by…
How to configure Session Hosts to log in with Entra ID
I've got a host pool with several VMs assigned to users. It was created by a previous employee of our company. Users are able to sign in with their Entra ID credentials. It works great. I created a second host pool (HP2) identical to the first (HP1) but…
Use Graph API to find a User Entity in Entra ID(formerly AzureAD) using the AzureAD\Username account name
I'm working on a desktop application which accesses EntraID via the C# Graph API SDK. The application monitors logged in users(s) and returns the logged in User account in the form 'AzureAD\UserName'. As an example, consider logged in user account…