Set up a default app
Here you'll learn the ways to set your application as the default application. The default application is the one that is launched when the system boots.
Visual Studio will generate a cryptic error when deploying to a RS5 (or RS4 with OpenSSH enabled) IoT image unless a SDK from RS4 or greater is installed that Visual Studio can access.
During development / experimental phases, you can change the default app by following means.
You can click on Startup column corresponding to the app.
Steps to set the default app using the shell
Connect to the device via PowerShell
List the applications installed using
iotstartup list
Note the appid for the application you want to make as default and set it using
iotstartup add headed <appid>
. For headless app, you should useiotstartup add headless <appid>
For large deployments, you can achieve this using provisioning package
You can specify the StartupApp/Default setting in the WCD during the provisioning package creation.
See Appx.IoTCoreDefaultApp as an example. You can get the Application User Model ID (AUMID) of an appx using GetAppxInfo tool.
Windows 10 IoT Anniversary Update (1607) provides shell support for bringing the default application window to the foreground when another application is currently running.
To see how to enable the "Home" key, please visit our IoT Shell page