The latest additions, improvements, and fixes to the design system.
February 20, 2025 (2.252.0)
- New optional moreButtonMenuClassName property for HeaderCommandBar.
- New optional menuClassName property for ResizeGroup.
January 24, 2025 (2.251.0)
- New optional iconWrapperClass prop for WorkItemTypeIcon
- Improvements to drag operation for List component
January 7, 2025 (2.250.0)
- Improvements to column resize behavior
- New optional principalName property for Coin component.
- Various accessibility improvements to the design system website.
October 22, 2024 (2.246.0)
- Added an optional property onFocus to the Tabs component.
September 27, 2024 (2.245.0)
- Added an optional ariaDescrbedBy property to Dropdown and DropdownExpandable.
- Added an optional property ariaLabelledBy in List component.
August 27, 2024 (2.244.0)
- Added an optional property ariaLabelledBy in Link component.
- Added an optional property ariaDescribedBy in toggle component.
June 28, 2024 (2.241.1)
- Added more support to use new imageUrlResolver within IdentityPicker components
- Added optional prop imageUrlResolver to CustomIdentityPickerDropdown, SharedIdentityPicker, and IdentityPickerSuggestionsList
June 6, 2024 (2.240.0)
- Added an optional on load callback prop for Image and Coin components
- Added an optional image URL resolver prop for Personas in the IdentityCard
- Added an optional aria label prop for the suggestions container in the IdentityPickerDropdown
May 28, 2024 (2.239.0)
- Added a prop to set container class in editable dropdown.
- Added an optional role prop to MessageCard and MessageBar.
- Added a prop for optional callback on image load in VssPersona.
- The mapping between predefined VssPersonaSize classes and pixel values is now public.
April 30, 2024 (2.238.0)
- Fixed duplicative announcements when filtering in dropdown
- Fixed dropdown selected filter item from clearing on reload or navigating between pages
- Updated FormItem required field text to be visible only to screen readers
- Fixed DropdownList component styling
- Added ability to use aria-current in Tree component
April 15, 2024 (2.237.0)
- Fix auto-scrolling bug in LogViewer
- Added Fingerprint icon
March 21, 2024 (2.236.0)
- Fixed an issue in Dropdown with Windows High Contrast mode
- Adds a prop to set the aria-label of the suggestions container in TagPicker and IdentityPicker
- Adds a prop to GroupedItemProvider to omit dividers
- Adds a prop to set the maximum suggestion count in IdentityPicker
- Better clarified required fields in FormItem
- Width calculation fixes to Splitter component
- Addition of a few utility functions to facilitate string manipulation
March 1, 2024 (2.235.0)
- Fixed issues with DropdownList cell markup.
- Added the ability to set a custom aria-role for the Dropdown, Persona, and ExpandableTextField components.
- Added the ability to set a custom aria-label for the TextFilterBarItem.
- Added an optional prop to Portal to bypass a default action of returning focus to the previously active element when the Portal is unmounted.
- Added a prop to Pill to specify an explicit tab index.
- Introduced a new substring helper which takes surrogate characters into consideration.
February 5, 2024 (2.234.0)
- Links are now underlined by default due to accessibility requirements. To remove the underline, pass in the removeUnderline prop.
- A new component, DropdownList, is now available. Markup-wise, it represents a list vs the ListBox's table.
- We've improved the keyboard interaction with the Table's column sizers and reduced verbosity for screen reader users.
May 26, 2023 (2.167.72)
- Removed ResponsiveLayout from the list of utilities as it is mainly to be a base component for ResizeGroup. It is still available, but we encourage you to use ResizeGroup for this purpose as it maintains the items hidden in an accessible way.
- Various fixes for accessibility on the design system website and inner components.
February 14, 2023 (2.167.60)
Updated inner dependencies
January 3, 2023 (2.167.53)
- Updated inner dependencies
- Fixed issue with link to button commponent.
December 6, 2022 (2.167.52)
Removed erroneous dependencies and updated workflow for Webpack 5
November 8, 2021 (2.167.22)
Breaking change The Observer component now has stricter typechecking for its children. In particular, it now only accepts a function child, and not a component child. There is now a UncheckedObserver component in VSSUI/Observer that preserves the old, un-typechecked behavior.
January 17, 2020 (2.164.0)
Breaking change
Global CSS styles were moved out of Core/core.css and into an Core/overrides.css file. The global overrides are no longer included by components by default.
So sites that relied on these styles will need to import azure-devops-ui/Core/override.css
on thier pages. Azure DevOps extensions should generally import
this in order to get the same look and feel as Azure DevOps pages.
import "azure-devops-ui/Core/override.css";
The styles in override.css include things like styling the body tag with the font family and size used by Azure DevOps pages, and styling all a
(anchor) tags
with color: inherit
. These global styles made it difficult to use azure-devops-ui
components within some web sites.
Improvements and updates
- Accessibility improvements
- Components did not previously respond well to users changing their browser's font-size preference.
November 13, 2019 (1.160.3)
Improvements and updates
- Fixed editable-dropdown selection and focus issues
November 6, 2019 (1.160.1 and 1.160.2)
Improvements and updates
- New icons added to icon set
- Added expand/collapse button to splitter component
- Accessibility improvements
- Fixed spacing in expandable card
October 28, 2019 (1.160.0)
Improvements and updates
- Updated design system name
- Updated illustrations on homepage
- Added props to card to allow collapsing
- Further accessibility improvements
October 14, 2019 (1.159.0)
Improvements and updates
- Accessibility fixes and improvements
- Updated filter component docs
October 3, 2019 (1.158.2)
Improvements and updates
- Accessibility fixes and improvements
September 23, 2019 (1.158.0 and 158.1)
- Experimental components section
Improvements and updates
- Added onScroll to ScrollableLists so users can react to scroll events
- Updated component lifecycle diagram and links to submit requests
- Updated Figma folder structure
- Added text field as Form Item example
- Bug fixes in editable dropdown component
September 8, 2019 (1.157.0)
Improvements and updates
- More accessibility improvements on several components including dropdown and editable dropdown
- Added justification prop to table columns and ability to have sorting arrow to the left of the header (for right aligned columns)
- Added new icons to the icon font
August 20, 2019 (1.156.1)
Improvements and updates
- Responsive improvements for several components (header, tabs, filter, panel, dialog, card, message card, and table)
- Added the generalized spacing for margin/padding for 4px/8px/16px values
- Expose focus() method on HeaderCommandBar
- Allow for custom tooltip in Persona / Coin
- More accessibility improvements and fixes on a number of components
August 13, 2019 (1.156.0)
- Filter component
Improvements and updates
- Tag picker examples
- New component overview icons
July 22, 2019 (1.155.0)
Improvements and updates
- Updated checkbox docs
- Updated radio button docs
- Updated toggle docs
- Reorganized component overview page
- Identity card updates
- Improvements in high contrast mode
- Updated color and animation of progress bar
July 1, 2019 (1.154.0)
- Responsive page header and navigation
- Mobile/responsive updates
Improvements and updates
- Updated dropdown examples and docs
- Updated constants for responsive breakpoints
- Updated message card line height and spacing
- Accessibility improvements and fixes
June 25, 2019 (1.153.5)
Improvements and updates
- Updated menu docs
June 21, 2019 (1.153.4)
Improvements and updates
- Mobile improvements on the panel component
- Continued to close accessibility bugs and improvements
June 20, 2019 (1.153.3)
- Added page progress bar
- Added mobile feature flag
Improvements and updates
- Allowing text selection in lists and tables
- Accessibility improvements
- Mobile responsive nav bar
- Updated panel docs
- Added Microsoft, Yammer, and Dynamics365 logos to icon set
- Added $spacing-24 variable
- Various fixes to identity picker and examples
June 10, 2019 (1.153.2)
Improvements and updates
June 6, 2019 (1.153.1)
Improvements and updates
- Added support for observable tab names
- Updated icon sizing logic
- Updated text field docs
June 3, 2019 (1.153.0)
- Added editable dropdown component examples
Improvements and updates
- Improved dropdown component
- More accessibility improvements on various components
May 24, 2019 (1.152.3)
Improvements and updates
- Improved dialog docs
- Continued accessibility improvements throughout
- Overflow button in header component is now in default style (instead of subtle)
May 17, 2019 (1.152.2)
Improvements and updates
- Icon default font size is now 16 pixels
May 16, 2019 (1.152.1)
Improvements and updates
- Continued accessibility improvements throughout
May 14, 2019 (1.152.0)
- We now have an Azure DevOps subset for our icon font
Improvements and updates
- Updates to the master–detail component examples
- Added dropdown with pivots example
- Added some subtle animation to radio button, checkbox, and tooltip
- Updated teaching bubble usage documentation
- Fixed spacing in checkbox example
May 3, 2019 (1.151.5 / 1.151.6)
- Added color documentation to the design basics section
Improvements and updates
- Added an advanced dropdown example
- Added example of header with back button
- Added more realistic examples in the dialog component
- Added design documentation to card and master–detail components
- Added
prop to pill component - Added a link to the Figma file in shell documentation
Updated checkbox examples
- Updated the development styles documentation
- Card example now uses
- Message card examples are now full width
- Reorganized the getting started design documentation, and added a section about updating the Figma component library
April 26, 2019 (1.151.1)
- Added the teaching bubble component
- Added the log viewer Pipelines-only custom component
Improvements and updates
- Changed the
prop toclassName
in the dropdown component
April 20, 2019 (1.150.2)
Improvements and updates
- Now using
in table examples - Several accessibility improvements to the design system site, including: added alt values for images, focus and selected states, aria labels, and more
- Added two icons to our set: “processing” and “add reaction”
April 12, 2019 (1.150.1)
Improvements and updates
- People picker is now identity picker
- Updated text field examples — there’s now a text field with label example
- Improved the splitter component example
- Added clipboard button example
- Added a subtle link example
April 2, 2019 (1.150.0)
- Added identity picker
- Added master-detail
- Added dropdown
- Added inline text field
- Added summary card sample
- Added tree with many items sample
- Added depth basics
- Added typography basics
- Added spacing basics
- Updated card with table sample
- Updated advanced page sample
- Mobile layout improvements
March 12, 2019 (1.149.2)
- Added support for reusable component classes (e.g. table styles)
- Added common styles for reuse
- Removed multi-select people picker sample, replacement coming with 1.150.0 release
February 16, 2019 (1.148.0)
- New homepage layout and illustrations
- Marked pick list as deprecated
- Added danger button
- Added table anatomy
- Added header anatomy
- Added toast anatomy
- Updated component status
- Updated pill samples
- Added table sorting sample
- Sample site layout and example stage bug fixes
January 25, 2019 (1.147.1)
- Added tree
- Added corner dialog
- Updated People picker styles for dropdown
- Updated colors used for status component