Lee Stott Cloud Advocate

Lee Stott




Lee Stott, a highly accomplished Principal Cloud Advocate Manager in Microsoft's AI Advocacy team with over 20 years of experience in developing innovative solutions and services using the latest Microsoft technologies. Lee is also an Associate Professor at University College London, where he works closely with academic institutions to develop cutting-edge technology solutions that help shape the future of education. In addition to his work at UCL, Lee is also a sought-after speaker at international conferences, where he shares his expertise on topics such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. He is a member of several prestigious academic working groups with organizations such as IEEE and ACM, and has published numerous research papers in top-tier journals. When Lee's not out sharing his knowledge with the world, he can be found enjoying his hobbies. He loves touring and camping in his VW Campervan, casting a line for some fresh fish, and working on smart home technologies to improve the quality of life for his family


  • AI Solution
  • ML Solutions
  • Data Science
  • Developer tools
  • Process / Patterns
  • ITIL
