PlayFab Insights Management to be deprecated starting December 11
Take advantage of our data connections feature to extract the full value of your data estate.

Over the past few years, we have built PlayFab Insights management with the intent to allow customers to have more control over their data retention, export, custom reporting connections and bringing their own data set into PlayFab. After customer feedback and usage of the feature we have decided to deprecate PlayFab Insights Management starting December 11, 2023.
What we learned is that customers wanted more control, visibility, and the ability to land your game data exactly where it needs to be to extract the full value from your data estate than we were able to provide in the product.
Moving forward, those customizations to a data set within our product and storage will no longer be available to you. Instead, we have our PlayFab Data Connections feature which is purpose-built for near real-time data ingestion and is designed to provide you with higher throughput, more flexibility, and optimized storage cost. You can still export your data to your own blob storage account or Azure Data Explorer.
Titles that have not used this feature or titles created after December 11, 2023 will not have access to these features but can use the new Data Connections feature as an alternative option. All titles will continue to have access to the basic and advanced Data Explorer as well as 30 days of event history.
For more information and additional links, read our overview of our Data Connections feature on Microsoft Learn.