Xbox and Women in Games International present “Open World Dialogue” virtual series

Featured speakers have focused on timely topics such as community advocacy, career development and game production methodology.

August 06, 2024
Xbox and WIGI Hero image

Xbox and Women in Games International recently launched their partnership with a monthly virtual talk series featuring game development leaders across Xbox, titled “Open World Dialogue.” Featured speakers have focused on timely topics such as community advocacy, career development and game production methodology.

Join us on LinkedIn Live on Wednesday, August 14 to hear from Tiana Los, senior UX/UI design lead at 343 Industries, developers of the Halo franchise. Tina will share her talk, "What does UX and UI mean in the game industry?" one of the biggest game dev topics that comes up, and can mean something different to every studio in the games biz.

Tiana has ten years of experience working on Halo, from transmedia to gaming titles, with her area of expertise as User Experience (UX). With thirteen years at Microsoft, Tiana co-leads the internal annual Xbox Game Studios UX/UI Summit, cultivating a growing UX/UI community at Xbox.

Next, tune in on Wednesday, September 18 to hear Crystin Cox, director of business strategy for Xbox Game Studios Publishing, present her live talk, “The Art of LiveOps: Merging Design and Strategy in Online Games.”

Previous Xbox + WIGI talks: