GDC 2025: Join Us at the Xbox Gaming for Sustainability Industry Mixer

Connect with the broader gaming community, discuss strategies to reduce emissions, and more.

February 13, 2025
Sustainability Hero image

Are you passionate about Gaming and Sustainability, or intrigued to learn more about it? Then we have the perfect event for you. The Gaming for Sustainability team, part of Team Xbox, invites you to our official Sustainability Mixer on March 20th from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with the broader gaming community, discuss strategies to reduce emissions, learn about the Xbox Sustainability Toolkit, and enjoy free drinks and hors d'oeuvres!  

Event Highlights:  

  • Networking: Establish connections with industry professionals and others in the gaming sustainability space.
  • Insights: Discover the latest in sustainable gaming practices and how the Xbox Sustainability Toolkit can benefit your projects.  
  • Fun: Enjoy a relaxed atmosphere with prizes and complimentary refreshments.  

RSVP and Feedback: Please use the link below to RSVP and share your thoughts, ideas, and questions about gaming for sustainability:

If you’re contributing to sustainability but not attending in person, we still want to hear from you! Use the form to send us your ideas and feedback.

No GDC Registration Required: Feel free to forward this invitation to colleagues and friends who would be great contributors to the mixer. We welcome people from all different backgrounds who are passionate about sustainability and encourage participation from all members of the gaming community. Please note that this is not an official GDC event. 

This event is free to attend as long as you RSVP here:

We look forward to seeing you at GDC! If you have any questions or outreach ideas, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Gaming for Sustainability Team @ Xbox.