Filter out the negative,
build on the positive.

Community Sift will reduce costs, increase retention, and safeguard your moderators, allowing you to focus on nurturing positive engagement within your community.

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Community Sift powered by AI

Advanced machine learning and next gen AI combined to identify, classify, and moderate content in violation of your community standards. Features AI-enabled capabilities that can escalate the toughest cases to moderators, significantly increase accuracy in assessing nuanced communication and provide data-driven recommendations.

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Why Community Sift?

The only holistic platform created by community builders for community builders. We believe everyone should be able to engage online without fear of harassment or abuse. Every day we work to make that a reality.


human interactions classified, filtered, and escalated seamlessly, each month


reduction of moderator workload with AI-enhanced decisioning1


reduction in reported toxic incidents via built-in features1

1Data results from a case study involving a Community Sift Enterprise customer.

Optimize your workload

Use Community Sift’s leading content classification and moderation features to achieve more.

Trusted partner of top global communities, relied-upon thought leader by government and industry

Contact the Microsoft team

To learn how Community Sift can help safegaurd the health of your online community.


Frequently asked questions about Community Sift